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Snapshot April - June 2011

Briefing outlining the social policy issues that have been reported by citizens advice bureaux across Scotland between April to June 2011.

Scottish Campaign on Welfare Reform briefing on the Welfare Reform Bill (House of Lords)

This briefing draws on the Scottish Campaign on Welfare Reform (SCoWR) manifesto to set out five key principles for welfare reform agreed by our diverse membership. It calls on the House of Lords to ensure these principles underpin debate and decisions on the Welfare Reform Bill.

Advice in Scotland 2010/11

Advice in Scotland 2010/11 is Citizens Advice Scotland’s state of the nation report on the problems that people are experiencing across the country. 

Scottish Parliament Finance Committee call for evidence: preventative spending

Scrutiny of the forthcoming spending review and draft budget for 2012-13, in response to the call for evidence on preventative spending.

Working with the Scottish CAB Service: a guide for parliamentarians 2011

A guide for Parliamentarians to the work of the Citizens Advice Bureau Service in Scotland. The guide provides information on how MSPs and Scottish MPs can help their constituents on a range of issues including debt, advice, housing and employment.

The impact of the welfare reform bill on Scotland's people and services

CAS has prepared a briefing on the impact of the welfare reform bill on Scotland’s people, services, and devolved areas and called for the Scottish Parliament to set up a Welfare Reform Bill Committee.

CAS submission to the Health and Sport Committee Scrutiny of the UK Welfare Reform Bill Legislative Consent Motion

CAS's submission to the Scottish Parliament Health & Sport Committee, which will be scrutinising the UK Welfare Reform Bill Legislative Consent Motion, gives detail on the impact of aspects of the bill to Scotland’s people, services and economy. In addition it sets out our arguments for the establishment of a Scottish Parliament Welfare and Benefits Committee and our position on the LCM.

On the Cards

Evidence report from 2004 about the debt crisis facing Scottish CAB debt clients

Out of Pocket

CAB evidence on the impact of fee-charging cash machines.

Paying the Price: the real cost of illness and disability for CAB clients

A report looking at the experiences of CAB clients who are claiming disability living allowance or incapacity benefit.


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