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Debt Management Companies - CAB evidence

Briefing on debt management companies based on evidence from CAB clients.

Members Business Debate - Unfit for Purpose

Members business debate on CAS's evidence report on Employment and Support Allowance (ESA), Unfit for Purpose.

The Legal Services Bill briefing

Briefing for MSPs on The Legal Services Bill which was passed at stage 3 on October 6th 2010.

Housing Benefit briefing

CAS submitted a briefing for the Work & Pensions Committee for their evidence session taking place the 20th October, on the changes to Housing Benefit announced in the June 2010 budget. The evidence based briefing presents the Scottish perspective on the proposed changes.

Westminster Hall Debate: Banking in Scotland

A summary briefing and evidence based memorandum prepared for the debate on Banking in Scotland in Westminster Hall at the UK Parliament.

Scottish Affairs Committee memo

Scottish Affairs Committee: Enquiry into the Banking Sector. A memorandum from CAS.

Patient Rights (Scotland) Bill briefing

Briefing on Patient Rights (Scotland) Bill - Stage 1 debate.

Public Bodies Bill - briefing for Scottish Lords

CAS’s briefing for Scottish Lords in relation to the Public Bodies Bill Stage 2 debate in the House of Lords.

Westminster Hall Debate: Comprehensive Spending Review

CAS briefing on the impact of the Comprehensive Spending Review on the Department for Works and Pensions.

Westminster Hall Debate: Comprehensive Spending Review

CAS briefing on the impact of the Comprehensive Spending Review on the Department for Works and Pensions.


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