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Fair Employment

The recession has a created a situation in which poor employment practices are more common. Based on case evidence from citizens advice bureaux, which shows numerous examples of poor employer behaviour, this report argues that it is in the interests of both employees and good employers that a Fair Employment Commission be establised to help enforce employment rights and responsibilities.

Drowning in Debt: low income

A briefing paper looking at the experience of people on a low income who are in debt. 

Drowning in Debt: creditor behaviour

Drowning in Debt briefing sheet which focuses on creditor behaviour.

Drowning in Debt: young people and debt

Drowning in Debt briefing sheet which focuses on young clients.

Drowning in Debt: lone parents

Drowning in Debt briefing sheet which focuses on clients who are lone parents.

Drowning in Debt: coping with debt

Drowning in Debt briefing sheet which focuses on how clients cope with debt.

Drowning in Debt: disabled and sick clients

Drowning in Debt briefing sheet which focuses on clients with ill health or disabilities.

Drowning in Debt: older clients

Drowning in Debt briefing sheet which focuses on older people and debt.

Drowning in Debt briefing sheet

Briefing sheet introducing Drowning in Debt - a CAS report on multiple debt.


Briefing sheet which looks at the issues homeowners face in Scotland.


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