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Volunteer to help out with IT

The Citizens Advice network in Scotland takes advantage of developments in IT that improve the services we provide. Some systems are shared across our network and individual bureaux may have additional systems and software.

Fundraising - make a difference, feel the difference

Leaflet about becoming a fundraiser for a citizens advice bureau. 

Volunteer to do admin

Why bureaux need help with administration

Each Citizens Advice Bureau has administration processes in place to keep running smoothly and there are often opportunities for volunteers to contribute to them.

Volunteer adviser

Volunteer and make a difference. Give advice in your local CAB

Older volunteers - make a difference, feel the difference

Leaflet on how older volunteers can make a difference by volunteering with a citizens advice bureau. 

Students - make a difference, feel the difference

Leaflet on how students can get involved with volunteering at a citizens advice bureau.

Volunteering - make a difference, feel the difference

Leaflet about how you can make a difference by volunteering with a citizens advice bureau

Volunteer in a Citizens Advice Bureau

You might become a volunteer adviser or administrator, or get involved in social policy, fundraising, IT, communications and social media, and more. 


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