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Public news

Working with parliament

We use the parliamentary process, both in Westminster and Holyrood, to present our policy evidence to politicians.  Our aim is to effect change that will benefit not just CAB clients but Scotland's citizens as a whole.

CAS briefing for the Work Capability Assessment debate

A briefing to Scottish MPs for the Westminster Hall Debate on the ESA Work Capability Assessment, 1st February 2011.

CAS briefing on Welfare Reform Bill as amended in House of Lords

A briefing to Scottish MPs on the seven amendments to the Welfare Reform Bill brought forward and passed by the House of Lords prior to the Westminster debate on the 1st February 2012. The briefing looks at the negative impact of the bill on the people, society and economy of Scotland, and discusses ways in which the proposed amendments would decrease these impacts.

Scottish Citizens Advice Bureau - our principles

The Scottish Citizens Advice Bureau Service is guided by 14 principles:


We've tried to design this site so that disabled users face no barriers when accessing content. This page contains information about how we have made the site accessible and tips to help you read content.  At the bottom of the page we've added links to other sites which have useful information on accessing websites for disabled people.

Volunteer to analyse evidence and make the case for social change

Bureau social policy volunteers use information from problems brought to the bureau by clients to help bring about real change. 

Social policy - working for change, making a difference

Leaflet about volunteering as a social policy co-ordinator in a citizens advice bureau.

Volunteer to help out with IT

The Citizens Advice network in Scotland takes advantage of developments in IT that improve the services we provide. Some systems are shared across our network and individual bureaux may have additional systems and software.


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