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Scottish Campaign on Welfare Reform briefing on the Welfare Reform Bill (House of Lords)

This briefing draws on the Scottish Campaign on Welfare Reform (SCoWR) manifesto to set out five key principles for welfare reform agreed by our diverse membership. It calls on the House of Lords to ensure these principles underpin debate and decisions on the Welfare Reform Bill.

The Scottish Campaign on Welfare Reform (SCoWR) is a coalition of over forty leading organisationsi including Action for Children, Capability Scotland, Citizens Advice Scotland, Child Poverty Action Group, Inclusion Scotland, One Parent Families Scotland, Oxfam, Poverty Alliance, SAMH and the Scottish Council of Voluntary Organisations. Members work with people experiencing exclusion and poverty across Scotland. We support the need for a reform of welfare provision to increase support for those trying to get into the labour market and protect those unable to do so.

Publication date
September 2011
Publication type
Number of pages