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Spotlight on: Social Security benefits

CAS believes that aspects of UK welfare changes will be damaging to Scotland’s people, services, and economy. 

Welfare reform, public service cuts, and the economic climate are combining to place enormous pressure on public services and advice services. On top of this, reductions in benefit levels and eligibility will inevitably drive demand for advice provision at the same time as cuts are being felt across the public and voluntary sectors. Local government and voluntary services may have to pick up the pieces for those affected by welfare reform – all on a shrinking budget.

As client issues with welfare also create problems in many other areas of life including debt, housing, consumer and relationship issues, we expect welfare reform changes to put exceptional pressure on advice services and other areas of the third sector across the country. Early intervention, such as good advice, ultimately saves money – debt and welfare advice is significantly cheaper than homelessness and bankruptcy, and the social outcomes for clients are far better. Local authorities, the Scottish CAB Service and other organisations across the third and public sectors have a shared agenda in helping local people avoid crisis point and are increasingly working in partnership to achieve positive outcomes for the people and communities of Scotland.


  1. A Citizen's Advice Scotland Briefing

    Publication date: February 2025

    This briefing provides an overview of the network's evidence of the impact of the managed migration from legacy payments to Universal Credit. It sets our recommendations for change. 

  2. Publication date: December 2024

    Social security continues to represent half of the advice work being undertaken by the Citizen's Advice network in Scotland. Universal Credit already represents one in three social security advice enquiries being handled by the network. The ongoing migration of people who are receiving older income-based social security payments to Universal Credit has been a very significant exercise and a milestone in the evolution of social security in the UK, while highlighting the urgency of change.  

  3. Publication date: December 2024

    The Scottish Campaign on the Right to Social Security (ScoRSS), a diverse coalition of organisations including CAS that seek to advance a social security system that supports everyone to thrive not merely survive, has submitted it's priorities for the Scottish Budget during financial year 2025-2026.   

  4. Erica Young Social Justice Team

    Publication date: August 2024

    Citizen’s Advice Scotland welcomes this opportunity to present our evidence of the Adult Disability Payment (ADP) experience: in particular to shine a light on the impact of ADP on seldom heard
    groups. As Scotland’s largest independent advice network and third largest source of ADP application support, our insight is significant and unique.

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