Stressed About Debt? High costs of energy, food and fuel mean that many people are finding it impossible to keep up, worrying about debt or falling behind on bills. The Citizens Advice network in Scotland is here for you, with free, confidential and impartial advice in a variety of ways.
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Spotlight on: Volunteering
Volunteering is at the heart of the Scottish CAB Service, with more than 2,000 people giving their invaluable time and experience each week to keep Scotland's bureaux running. We rely on volunteers not only to deliver advice and information, but also to help manage each CAB (each is an independent charity) and provide support services such as administration, IT, marketing and promotion and fundraising activities.
What about you - have you thought about volunteering in your local bureau?
6 May 2024
6 May 2024
1 Jun 2024
by Gillian Fyfe. Head of the CAS Strong Communities team.
This column was first published in the Herald on 1 June 2024.
Publication date: May 2024
A CAS consultation response
Publication date: February 2024
Publication date: May 2023
This briefing considers how the CAB network in Scotland can help deliver a world leading Community Wealth Building agenda in Scotland.
Issue 16 of the Citizens Advice Scotland network magazine
Publication date: November 2024
Welcome to the Autumn 2024 edition of Voice Magazine.
A special 85th-anniversary edition.
In this issue:
- the first 85 years - a history of the development of our network in Scotland
- from the Blitz to Brexit - how we've responded to crisis and change
- we hear from CAB colleagues who have worked for the service for a large part of it's history
- and we take a brief look at the future and how technology can help transform what we do and how we will do it.
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