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CAS Consultation Response: Open Letter to Stakeholders

CAS supports the Commission’s view that the time is right to undertake a review of the regulatory framework of the non-domestic water and sewerage market in Scotland.

Water Services and Small Businesses in Scotland

The Consumer Futures Unit and the Water Industry Commission for Scotland have developed and published a leaflet aimed at small businesses who may be unaware they need to pay for water and sewerage services, and are allocated a supplier. The leaflet explains what a Deemed Contract is and what they need to do next.

CAS response to Scottish Government response to the Report of Working Group on Consumer and Competition Policy for Scotland

CAS response to Scottish Government response to the Report of Working Group on Consumer and Competition Policy for Scotland.

CAS Annual Accounts 2014/15

CAS financial statements for the year ended 31st March 2015.

CAS Annual Accounts 2013/14

CAS financial statements for the year ended 31st March 2014.

Evidence to Disability Employment Gap Inquiry

Citizens Advice Scotland is extremely concerned about the potential negative impact of the abolition of the ESA Work Related Activity component. The removal of support for the additional costs faced by disabled people through this component could have the effect of creating additional barriers to them gaining employment. The majority of people affected by the move are far from the labour market, with 73% of Scottish claimants in the ESA Work Related Activity Group having been in receipt of the benefit for more than two years, and in some cases will never be fit for work again.

Who Are You?

In this edition of the ‘Who Are You?’ series we take a look at those who came to CAB service points during November 2015.  Information was collected on almost 17,000 clients, which is an increase in reporting of 6% from our first client profile data collection in 2014.  In learning from the pilot phase of this work, a more accurate measure of comparison between the client profile and all clients seen in November has been developed.  This indicates that the profile captures approximately 74% of all clients seen in November 2015, an increase of 6% from the proportion seen in 2014.

As with all surveys of this type not all clients wished to answer all questions; it is also not always appropriate to ask for such information.  Because of this it is not possible to report on every category, but our analysis shows that comparison with the client profile data from 2014/15 is consistent and the data collected is robust enough to compare with the 2011 Census. 

Who Are You?

Using data from the 2014 Client Profile survey, this second publication in the 'Who Are You? series looks at initial findings from an analysis of CAB clients by the type of advice provided to them.


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