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Response to Consultation on Free Bus Travel for Older and Disabled People and Modern Apprentices

The Scottish Government consulted on potential changes to the Concessionary Travel Scheme. Proposals included raising the age of eligibility for free bus travel for older people and expanding the Scheme to cover Modern Apprentices.

Key points:

  • Regardless of any decisions made concerning the Scheme Citizens Advice Scotland (CAS) recognises the important role that buses play in many people’s lives and this should be held in mind in any considerations
  • Public transport can provide a lifeline, particularly for those living in rural communities
  • If it is decided that any changes in the age are to be introduced it is important that there is a sufficient lead in time

  • CAS would support the provision of free bus travel to Modern Apprentices
  • CAS is in favour of providing a companion card for disabled under 5's where this is needed

Consumer Futures Unit Consultation Response: The European Commission’s Revision of the Drinking Water Directive (RECAST 2017)

The Consumer Futures Unit has provided feedback on the proposed Revision of the European Commission's Drinking Water Directive (Recast 2017).

Consumer Futures Unit Consultation Response: Public consultation on pharmaceuticals in the environment (European Commission)

The Consumer Futures Unit has responded to the European Commission’s consultation on how risks arising from pharmaceuticals in the environment should be addressed.

Your Bus, Your Say: Creating Better Journeys

CAS has explored the experience of bus passengers over the past few years. In 2016, we undertook our first first bus users' survey which looked at transport issues in rural areas, and led to our Round the Bend report. 

Following this, we wanted to explore what bus passengers want which led us to undertake a public survey, asking consumers what aspects of their bus services they are satisfied with and what they are unsatisfied with. CAS also asked what issues were most important to consumers in relation to buses.  This report analyses this 'Your Bus, Your Say' survey which was completed in 2017.


> 4,677 survey responses in total
> Received the highest number of responses from Glasgow City
> Over a quarter of respondents travelled by bus at least 5 times or more per week


> 68% of respondents were generally satisfied with the cleanliness/condition of their local bus
> 76% of respondents were generally satisfied with feeling safe on their local bus service
> 71% of respondents were generally satisfied with driver behaviour on their local bus service


> 64% of respondents were generally dissatisfied with the service frequency of their local bus
> 72% of respondents were generally dissatisfied with providing feedback to their local bus service
> 67% of respondents were generally dissatisfied with getting help from their local bus service

Top three most important issues to bus users

> Service frequency - 72%
> Punctuality - 59%
> Value for money -39%


> 16% of respondents could not reach their GP surgery or hospital by bus
> 13% of respondents could not reach their workplace by bus
> Only 5% of respondents never travel by bus
> Whereas 46% travelled 3 or more times per week

Social Security (Scotland) Bill Stage 2 briefing - Amendments to Parts 3 to 5

Citizens Advice Scotland supports a number of amendments, including to make sure all new benefit payments are uprated annually with the cost of living; and to make sure no-one is criminalised for genuine error.

Armed Services Advice Project half year report

Over the last six months we supported 1319 clients with 5,969 new and repeat issues, achieving a client financial gain of over £1M.

From the start of the service on 1 July 2010 to 31 March 2018, ASAP has supported approximately 12,500 individual clients with more than 62,500 new and repeat issues.

The full report can be downloaded below. 

CFU respond to Scottish Government consultation on Scotland’s Energy Efficiency Programme: Second Consultation on Local Heat & Energy Efficiency Strategies, and Regulation of District and Communal Heating

It is an appropriate time for the Scottish Government to be considering and consulting on Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategies and the regulation of district heating. Both Scottish and UK Governments expect growth in the number of district heating schemes and for the technology to play a significant part in the decarbonisation process.

Overall, there is a growing body of evidence of consumer detriment when district heating protections are not consistent, and strengthening protections now should forestall wider negative experiences as the sector grows.

Recent CFU research highlighted the pressing need for, and possibility of, consumer protection in a Scottish context, which is set out in the response below. 

Social Security (Scotland) Bill Stage 2 briefing - Amendments to Parts 2 to 5

Citizens Advice Scotland supports a number of amendments, including those streamlining the re-determination and appeals process to make it easier for individuals to challenge a decision; to make sure all new benefit payments are uprated annually with the cost of living; to make sure no-one is criminalised for genuine error; and to make sure no one has to make a large repayment for an error caused by no fault of their own.

Social Security (Scotland) Bill Stage 2 briefing - Amendments to Part 2, Chapters 1 and 2

Citizens Advice Scotland supports a number of amendments, including those creating an independent expert Scottish Commission on Social Security to scrutinise regulations, and to clarify that people should always have a choice of receiving a benefit payment in cash, unless they explicitly choose to receive it 'in kind'.

Launch of 'Disconnected: Understanding Digital Inclusion and Improving Access'

'Disconnected: Understanding Digital Inclusion and Improving Access' has now been published. A huge thanks to the 33 participating Citizens Advice Bureaux who made this research possible. Read on for more information and to download your copy here.


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