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CAS Consultation Response: Energy-Efficient Scotland Route Map

This publication sets out Citizens Advice Scotland's detailed response to the Scottish Government's consultation on the route map for its Energy Efficient Scotland programme. 

CAS Consultation Response: Scottish Government Consultation on The Energy Efficiency Standard for Social Housing post-2020

The social rented sector plays a fundamental role in providing genuinely affordable housing. High quality, energy efficient social housing is vital to Scotland’s communities. Scottish Government data shows that the energy efficiency of housing in the social rented sector has improved over recent years. However, while there have been some reductions in fuel poverty in this sector, the number of households in fuel poverty remains stubbornly high and greater than the national fuel poverty rate.

CAS response to Welfare Foods - a consultation on meeting the needs of children and families in Scotland

Citizens Advice Scotland (CAS) welcomes the opportunity to comment on the proposals for Best Start Foods and Vitamins to replace the current Healthy Start system when powers are devolved. Citizens advice bureaux in Scotland provide advice on eligibility and claiming Healthy Start Vouchers to help clients maximise their income, alongside providing advice on claiming benefits that ‘passport’ people into eligibility for the vouchers, such as Universal Credit and Income Support.

Delivering for Business: Scottish SMEs use of postal services

Citizens Advice Scotland conducted research into the use of postal services by Scottish SMEs - looking specifically at whether they have access to a meaningful choice of postal products, services and providers. We also wanted to find out if the current postal market is meeting the needs of Scottish SMEs or if any changes are required to improve the products and services available to these consumers.  

CAS response to Universal Credit inquiry

CAS published the Learning from Testing Times evidence report which looked in detail at the experience of the first year of Universal Credit roll out through citizens advice bureaux feedback. There have been a few welcome changes since then, e.g. removal of the seven day waiting period, which have ameliorated some aspects of the negative impacts. However cases currently being handled by bureaux show a range of issues causing difficulties for clients.

Consumer Futures Unit Annual Report 2017-18

We all use energy, post and water services and Citizens Advice Scotland (CAS) is the independent advocate for consumers’ interests in these sectors. We work with governments, regulators and business to put consumers first, designing policy and practice around their needs and aspirations.

Consumer Confidence and Understanding

This report contains the findings from research on Consumer Confidence and Understanding, conducted by Ipsos MORI, on behalf of Citizens Advice Scotland (CAS).

The research comprised a survey of 1,004 consumers in Scotland (aged 16 and over), carried out between 7 and 20 March 2016. The specific issues covered were: experience of consumer problems and complaints; awareness and expectations of consumer organisations; awareness and perceptions of CAS; and experiences of using CAS services.

CAS submission on Funeral Expenses Assistance

In general, CAS welcomes this benefit and the potential improvements for applicants, particularly in terms of a less intrusive, simpler process and faster payment. We also welcome the Scottish Government committing to uprate the benefit annually, as this is an important step that will prevent the benefit further losing value. However, the 'other costs' element of the benefit has been frozen at £700 since 2003 and CAB advisers frequently see clients who cannot afford to provide a dignified funeral for their loved one.

Speaking up: Understanding Fuel Poverty Support Needs

Today the Consumer Futures Unit (CFU) at Citizens Advice Scotland (CAS) is publishing its insight report 'Speaking up: Understanding Fuel Poverty Support Needs' alongside a briefing sheet.

The insight report is based on research carried out in 2017 by Ipsos Mori and Bill Sheldrick. The CFU commissioned the research to explore the characteristics of fuel poor households that may be in the greatest need of support, and the types of support that would benefit them most.  The research included secondary analysis of Scottish Household Survey data as well as qualitative interviews with fuel poor households.

Consumer Futures Unit Work Plan 2018-19

Scotland’s independent consumer advocate has pledged to put consumers first in the regulated industries of energy, water and post. The Consumer Futures Unit of Citizens Advice Scotland has outlined its priorities in its work plan for 2018-19.


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