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Energy Advice in Detail 2015-16

Our Energy Advice in Detail report analyses the energy issues upon which Citizens Advice Service clients in Scotland sought help in 2015-16, and places these issues within the wider policy context. Issues were raised through the following three services:

  • 23,237 new energy issues brought by clients through the 61 Citizens Advice Bureaux across Scotland, an increase of 5% from 2014-15.
  • 4,210 calls from Scotland to the Citizens Advice Consumer Service-a decrease of 12% from 2014-15.
  • 1,163 vulnerable consumers in Scotland supported by the Extra Help Unit, almost identical to the number in 2014-15.

Facing Fuel Poverty

Facing Fuel Poverty explores what projects and services delivering face-to-face fuel poverty advice exist in Scotland and examines the benefits and costs of delivering such services.

Based on research carried out by Changeworks on behalf of the CFU, we note that tailored fuel poverty advice, delivered in the home, is reported as a necessary service for certain consumers, but that improved monitoring and evaluation of projects is needed. 

Recent trends in the affordability of water and sewerage charges in Scotland

This report examines recent changes in the cost of household water and sewerage charges in Scotland. It examines the position across all consumers, but focuses in particular on those on low incomes and examines in detail the issue of affordability for those in receipt of state benefits.

Burden of Proof

Our ‘Burden of Proof’ report explores the role that medical evidence plays in assessing ill health and disability benefits, from the perspective of Citizens Advice Bureaux clients, advisers and some of the professionals involved.

Consumer Future's Unit Work Plan for 2017-18

The Consumer Futures Unit at Citizens Advice Scotland has published its work plan for 2017-18. 

Written evidence on homelessness and rent arrears

Though not the only driver of homelessness, the past five years have seen a large increase in the number of rent arrears issues dealt with by Scotland’s CAB network. CAS is commencing research to examine the causes and consequences of rent arrears for CAB clients, including those who become homeless as a result. This submission examines CAB data related to homelessness and rent arrears, as well as some of the causes of rent arrears that can lead to evictions and homelessness.

Patient Advice and Support Service Annual Report 2018/19

Citizens Advice Scotland delivers free, independent, confidential advice and support for patients of the NHS in Scotland through the Patient Advice and Support Service (PASS). 

Consumer Futures Unit Response to the Scottish Government Draft Energy Strategy

“We welcome the production of an energy strategy which draws together all aspects of energy production and consumption, and presents a whole system view. 

We also welcome the ambition of the strategy to deliver targets such as an all energy target for the equivalent of 50% of Scotland’s heat, transport and electricity to be supplied from renewable sources by 2030. However given the significant role that consumers are likely to play in achieving these targets, the impacts upon consumers must be central to proposals and policies set out in the final energy strategy.

Consumers will be especially important in the delivery of low carbon heating in Scotland’s domestic buildings. Given the uptake of renewable heating systems in Scotland has been relatively low to date, the affordability and understanding of consumer behaviour in new policies must be carefully considered moving forward.

Currently those who live off the gas grid and often rely on expensive electric heating suffer from the highest rates of fuel poverty. The transition to low carbon heating systems and a low carbon energy system more widely, must ensure that these households are supported as a priority.

As highlighted as a key theme in the strategy, the energy transition must be stable and managed and consider the needs of all consumers in Scotland.”  

Who Are You?

Our 5th edition in the 'Who Are You?' series, coming to you in a new format, describes those coming to citizens advice bureaux in Scotland for advice during November 2016.  

Living from one pay day to the next

We asked people from across Scotland about their relationship with money, debt, credit, and planning for the future.


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