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Designing a Social Security System for Scotland: Funeral Payments

This report outlines recommendations for improvements that could be made to the current system of Funeral Payments, which will be devolved to the Scottish Parliament.

Designing a Social Security System for Scotland: Employment Programmes and DHPs

The process of devolving social security powers to Scotland includes control over employment programmes and Discretionary Housing Payments. This report sets out a summary of CAB evidence in these areas, and makes recommendations for how the Scottish Government should use the powers when they are devolved.

Designing a Social Security System for Scotland: Disability and Carers' Benefit

To inform the development of a distinct Scottish approach to disability and carers’ benefits, Citizens Advice Scotland gathered views from bureau advisers and clients across Scotland on how they would want the new powers to be used when they are devolved to the Scottish Parliament. This report outlines CAS's research findings and a number of recommendations for how the Scottish Government should use its new powers.

Consultation Response:

CAS agrees in principle that the Scottish Government should prescribe decapitalisation rates for the valuation of properties where the contractor’s basis is used. However, we also consider that the proposals within the Consultation could provide a level  of protection for property owners against  any escalating or fluctuating charging which could result from the introduction of an alternative method of valuation.

Scottish Welfare Fund Independent Review Process Consultation: Response from CAS

From April 2016, the Scottish Public Services Ombudsman will take over responsibility for further review of decisions by local authorities in relation to the Scottish Welfare Fund (SWF). The SPSO has recently been consulting on a Draft Statement of Practice setting out the approach it intends to take in relation to reviews.

Smart prepayment for a smarter market

The Citizens Advice Service (Citizens Advice & Citizens Advice Scotland) joint response to Ofgem's consultation on smart prepayment for a smarter market. 

Invitation to tender – Research Reviewing Energy Efficiency and Fuel Poverty Programmes in Scotland

Citizens Advice Scotland (CAS) is seeking tenders from potential research suppliers to undertake a review of energy efficiency and fuel poverty programmes in Scotland.

Economic impact of improving the energy efficiency of fuel poor households in Scotland

In 2014 Consumer Futures commissioned Verco and Cambridge Econometrics to assess the social, environmental and macroeconomic impact of investing carbon tax revenues in energy efficiency programmes for fuel poor households in Scotland. It follows on from a similar UK-wide study commissioned by Consumer Futures in 2012 that demonstrated that investing money raised through carbon taxes into household energy efficiency creates more jobs and growth than other kinds of major government investment or tax cuts, in addition to delivering environmental and social benefits. The 2014 report that can be downloaded below focuses specifically on assessing and quantifying these benefits within the Scottish context.

Welfare Reform and Work Bill Briefing for members of the House of Lords

Citizens Advice Scotland is extremely concerned that a number of the proposals contained in the Welfare Reform and Work Bill would have a detrimental impact on CAB clients in Scotland who have already been negatively affected by changes to the social security system in the last Parliament. These negative consequences include a rise in rent arrears; pressure on homeless services; and an increase in the number of people who are unable to make ends meet, who accrue priority debt or who require a referral to a food bank.

Tough Act to Follow? Local Action example

The Highland Consumer Partnership (HCP) which comprises the eight Highland Citizens Advice Bureaux, Highland Council Trading Standards and Citizens Advice Scotland decided to put together a training session on the Consumer Rights Act 2015, to increase knowledge and awareness among CAB advisers.  Seven sessions have been held at CABs across Highland, to almost 100 advisers.  A sample version of the training slides and exercise handouts are available below.

The HCP was created in December 2012 to provide a flexible network for information sharing and campaign work across Highland. The aim is to reduce consumer detriment and encourage fair trading.  It is an example of how the Consumer Landscape changes can be translated to work at a local or regional level to provide real outcomes for the community.  The outcomes achieved by the HCP are from existing resources.  For more information please see



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