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Citizens Advice Scotland Annual Report 2011/12

CAS's annual report 2011/12. Further copies and the full financial expenditure report are available on request.

Voices from the Frontline...The Bedroom Tax

105,000 households in Scotland will lose £53 million in housing support due to changes coming into force in April 2013. This is the result of new size criteria for social housing – dubbed the ‘bedroom tax’ – which will see working age tenants penalised an average of £11 per week for under occupying their homes. An estimated 83,000 households affected by the change contain at least one disabled adult.

A tidal wave of change

In October 2011, Citizens Advice Scotland published a briefing entitled The Impact of  the Welfare Reform Bill on Scotland’s people and services. The briefing showed that  an estimated £2.5 billion would be taken out of the local economy in Scotland during  the lifetime of this Parliament and predicted what the impacts would be on people. 

Extending labour market interventions to in-work claimants

The Department for Work and Pensions is asking for ideas about how they can make jobsearch requirements work for in-work benefit claimants.  Read CAS' response here.

The work of Scotland's Citizens Advice service

A short briefing on the work of the citizens advice service in Scotland.

Welfare and Constitutional Reform: Expert Working Group call for evidence

The Scottish Government has set up an Expert Group to examine what a benefits system could look like in an indepedent Scotland.  The publication sets out what CAS believes are the core principles for a new social security system for Scotland.

Snapshot February 2013

Citizens Advice Bureaux in Scotland help hundreds of thousands of people with over half a million new issues each year. Snapshot uses evidence on these issues to act as an early warning system for government, service providers, and private sector companies, of where policies and practices are failing or inefficient. These monthly briefings use very recent evidence and are an excellent way of spotting trends to social policy and tracing the impact of recent policy changes.

This edition is based on the advice needs of clients who approached bureaux during January 2013.

Thank you to all bureaux for their feedback, without which this type of publication would not be possible.

Consumer Snapshot

This report provides a snapshot of the issues that are affecting consumers in Scotland, examining both national and local trends in consumer issues. This is based on data provided by the majority of citizens advice bureaux in Scotland and data from the Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline. We will aim to publish Consumer Snapshot on a regular basis to provide an up-to-date overview of the issues facing consumers in Scotland.

This report covers the first two quarters of the financial year 2012/13 from April-September 2012.

Voices from the frontline - Digital by Default

In November 2012, the UK Government launched its Government Digital Strategy . This paper sets out how the Government will transform the way it delivers services to citizens, including moving services online – a change in ethos to “digital by default”. Citizens Advice Scotland is concerned that a digital by default approach to welfare benefits could exclude some of the most vulnerable and marginalised members of society from accessing the very services they rely upon.

Social Policy and Parliamentary Plan 2013/14

Based on the responses from bureau advisers to the recent Social Policy questionnaire, the Policy and Communications team have put together a forward work plan for 2013/14. This covers the issues that we plan to address over the coming year and the ways in which we plan to undertake this work.


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