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Consumer Bill of Rights consultation response

The UK Government has consulted on their proposals to simplify consumer protection legislation.  The new Consumer Bill of Rights aims to harmonise European legislation into our own consumer protection laws, as well as simplifying many disparate pieces of current UK legislation.  Here, CAS gives its response to the proposals.

Scottish passported benefits:

The response of the Scottish Association of Citizens Advice Bureaux to the consultation on changes required as a result of the introduction of Universal Credit and Personal Independence Payment. 

Work Capability Assessment independent review – year three


CAS welcomes the opportunity to respond to the second Independent Review of the Work Capability Assessment (WCA). Since its inception in the autumn of 2008, ESA has become the most common issue brought to bureaux by clients.

CAS Response to Scottish Parliament Finance Committee Call for Evidence: Draft Budget 2013-14

 CAS' response to the Scottish Parliament in relation to the draft Scottish Budget 2013-14.

Voices from the frontline: the rising demand for food parcels

Case evidence from citizens advice bureaux across Scotland illustrates the difficulties people in Scotland are facing as changes to welfare take effect. 

Volunteer Adviser

A leaflet explainig the role of a volunteer CAB adviser.

Scottish Government Consultation on the Charging of Premiums in the Private Rented Sector

Case evidence from citizens advice bureaux show that many clients have been asked to pay premiums by letting agents. These charges can have a significant impact on the individual’s finances and can put their tenancy at risk.

Stage 1 evidence to the Justice Committee on the Scottish Civil Justice Council and Criminal Legal Assistance Bill

Citizens Advice Scotland (CAS) welcomes the establishment of a Scottish Civil Justice Council (SCJC) as a body ensuring the effective operation of the civil justice system. 

Knowing your Rights: employment issues facing young people

Perth CAB is campaigning to increase young people's knowledge of employment rights and to let them know where to access advice.

Key contacts for Citizens Advice Scotland

Press and media

Tony Hutson (External Affairs Officer) or 07774 751655 -journalists only please.



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