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Social Policy Successes - issue 13

This briefing highlights some of the social policy successes achieved by the CAB Service in Scotland from January 2009 to February 2010.

Social Policy Successes - issue 12

A briefing highlighting the social policy successes achieved by the CAB Service in Scotland between July and December 2008.

Patient Advice and Support Service (PASS) poster

A poster to be used to advertise the Patient Advice and Support Service (PASS)

Homelessness in Scotland: the 2012 Commitment

In 2003, the Scottish Parliament passed legislation stating that everyone who is homeless will have a right to a home by 2012. Local authorities will have a duty to house all those who are found to be homeless from January 2013 and to provide the same level of service to all homeless people. Evidence from citizens advice bureaux shows a mixed picture of progress, with some homelessness services struggling to meet the commitment alongside the effects of the recession and funding difficulties.

Remote Communities

In consulting with Citizens Advice Bureaux and analysing the case evidence from bureaux clients, it is clear that consumers in remote communities face many barriers. 

Housing Benefit Reform

Briefing on the effects of Housing Benefit reform on the people, communities and economy of Scotland.

Homelessness in Scotland: The 2012 Commitment

In 2003, the Scottish Parliament passed legislation stating that everyone who is homeless will have a right to a home by 2012. In practice, this means ending the system of assessing people as 'priority' or 'non-priority' homeless and giving entitlement to permanent accommodation for all those who are unintentionally homeless. Local authorities will have a duty to house all those who are found to be homeless from January 2013 and to provide the same level of service to all homeless people.


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