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CAS Annual Accounts 2009/10

CAS financial statements for the year ended 31st March 2010.

CAS briefing on Stage 1 of the Scottish Government’s Welfare Reform (Further Provision) (Scotland) Bill (181kb)

This briefing for MSPs outlines the importance of ensuring that the Scottish Government’s Welfare Reform (Further Provision) (Scotland) Bill provides the citizens of Scotland with access to passported benefits when current benefits are effectively abolished and replaced in 2013 by the new Universal Credit. 

Voices from the frontline: welfare changes

This briefing details case studies of CAB clients that are experiencing problems due to welfare changes that came into force just six weeks ago on 6 April 2012, including changes to Working and Child Tax Credits and Contribution based Employment Support Allowance being time limited to 12 months.

CAB Service partnerships

Citizens Advice Scotland and our member bureaux have a strong track record of partnership working to deliver advice to some of Scotland's most vulnerable people. Our projects seek to boost the capacity of local bureaux to provide specialist or enhanced advice, often targeting particular client groups. 

Access CAS services

Citizens Advice Scotland provides a range of essential support services to Scottish bureaux - and some of these services are now available to organisations beyond the Scottish CAB Service.  

Find out what we can offer your organisation, and how to contact us if you are interested in knowing more.  

Join us - become a Citizens Advice Bureau

There are many benefits to being a Citizens Advice Bureau, providing quality-assured advice and information and benefiting from the central support offered by Citizens Advice Scotland. Here is a little more information on what's involved - and what's in it for you and your organisation.  

Our governance

The Chief Executive Officer, Derek Mitchell, took up the post on 28 August 2017.

The Board of Trustees is elected by member bureaux through the Annual General Meeting. 

Welfare Reform letter

Letter in response to green paper on Welfare Reform

Private Rented Housing Panel regulations

Response to the Scottish Executive's Regulatory Impact Assessment on regulations relating to the Private Rented Housing panel.


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