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Snapshot: Advice Trends in Scotland

Snapshot uses bureau evidence to act as an early warning system of where policies and practices are failing or inefficient. These quarterly briefings use very recent evidence and will be an excellent way of spotting trends in social policy and tracing the impact of recent policy changes. The briefings will be of use to politicians, government departments, the private sector, and third sector organisations – and anyone with an interest in the most important issues facing people in Scotland. 

This edition covers advice trends in Scotland during the second quarter of the 2014/15 financial year.

CAS response to Work and Pensions Committee sanctions inquiry

CAS has responded to the Work and Pensions Committee’s inquiry into benefit sanctions policy beyond the Oakley Review. We believe that the Review was too narrow in its remit and this inquiry represents a vital opportunity to take a wider look at the sanctions regime, its purpose and impact on claimants. 

Patient and Advice Service Annual Report and Appendix 2013/14

In 2013/14 the Patient Advice and Support Service (PASS) supported 2336 clients and dealt with 7424 enquiries from clients relating to feedback, comments, concerns and complaints about the NHS in Scotland.  These were increases of 16% and 27% on the 2012/13 figures.  A range of work was undertaking in the year with a service review, the employment of a PASS Marketing Officer and the introduction of a PASS website.  Independent client feedback found that 93% of clients were very satisfied or satisfied with the service.  The Annual Report and Appendix present a brief picture of the work that has been done in 2013/14.

Citizens Advice Scotland Annual Report 2013/14

In 2013/14 CAS again rose to the unique challenges we face every year; namely those of facilitating the delivery of the best free advice service in Scotland, while at the same time using the evidence gained by Scottish CAB network to exercise a positive influence on public policy in Scotland.

This we have done against the background of a continuing economic crisis and national changes in welfare and consumer policy that meant our service faces greater demand than ever before. Our annual report presents a brief picture of the work we have done in 2013/14.

Competition in the UK postal sector and the universal service obligation

Written Evidence submitted from the Citizens Advice Service (Citizens Advice and Citizens Advice Scotland) to the Business, Innovation & Skills Select Committee into Competition in the UK postal sector and the universal service obligation.

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Response to Housing & Wellbeing Consultation

CAS contributed evidence to the independent Commission on Housing & Wellbeing's wide-ranging consultation on how housing can promote a society in which everyone can flourish.

Working at the Edge: Childcare

Childcare in Scotland has moved up the political agenda in recent years with the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014 extending the amount of free early education available for three and four year olds as well as looked-after two year olds, those in kinship care and those from workless households, from 475 to 600 hours per year.


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