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Advice in Scotland 2012/13

Advice in Scotland 2012/13 is Citizens Advice Scotland’s state of the nation report on the problems that people are experiencing across the country. 

Infrastructure and Capital Investment Committee - 30th April meeting

Citizens Advice Scotland welcomes the opportunity to submit evidence to the Infrastructure and Investment Committee on the Strategic Review of Charges 2015-21. 

Voices from the Frontline: Food parcels and the benefits system

Our series of briefings ‘Voices from the Frontline’ show the reality of the impact of current welfare changes on the people of Scotland. We highlight the experiences of the thousands of clients advised by CAB in Scotland and make recommendations for change.

CAS Short Briefing for the Welfare Reform Committee – food parcels

CAS has submitted evidence on food parcels to the Welfare Reform Committee ahead of an oral evidence session on the 29th April 2014. 


Voices from the frontline: medical evidence for benefits

Claiming sickness and disability benefits can be a stressful process, and many bureaux clients feel that the medical assessments for the benefit do not reflect their difficulties. 

They often feel they need additional evidence from their doctor to demonstrate the true picture, but getting this evidence and having it considered can be difficult and costly.

Payday lenders: business as usual

The Scottish CAB service have seen payday loans as one of the fastest growing areas of work in the last year. This evidence report reveals case evidence and statistics from our 2013 payday loan survey.

The Postcode Penalty: The Business Burden

The Scottish CAB service has been campaigning on the issue of unfair delivery charges for the past four years.

Employment and Support Allowance and Work Capability Assessment

CAS has submitted evidence about the experiences of Scottish bureaux clients claiming Employment and Support Allowance and undergoing the Work Capability Assessment to the House of Commons Select Committee on Work and Pensions.

Consumer Champions March 2014

The work of the Citizens Advice Service in Scotland helps our clients access the advice they so dearly need, but we do so much more.


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