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  1. Response from Citizens Advice Scotland
    Keith Dryburgh
    Publication date:
    September 2012


    CAS welcomes the opportunity to respond to the second Independent Review of the Work Capability Assessment (WCA). Since its inception in the autumn of 2008, ESA has become the most common issue brought to bureaux by clients.

  2. Keith Dryburgh
    Publication date:
    September 2012

    Case evidence from citizens advice bureaux across Scotland illustrates the difficulties people in Scotland are facing as changes to welfare take effect. 

  3. Keith Dryburgh
    Publication date:
    August 2012

     CAS' response to the Scottish Parliament in relation to the draft Scottish Budget 2013-14.

  4. Personal experiences of the welfare changes introduced in April 2012
    Keith Dryburgh and Jeanette Campbell
    Publication date:
    May 2012

    This briefing details case studies of CAB clients that are experiencing problems due to welfare changes that came into force just six weeks ago on 6 April 2012, including changes to Working and Child Tax Credits and Contribution based Employment Support Allowance being time limited to 12 months.

  5. Publication date:
    May 2012

    This briefing for MSPs outlines the importance of ensuring that the Scottish Government’s Welfare Reform (Further Provision) (Scotland) Bill provides the citizens of Scotland with access to passported benefits when current benefits are effectively abolished and replaced in 2013 by the new Universal Credit. 

  6. Jeanette Campbell
    Publication date:
    May 2012

    A submission from Citizens Advice Scotland (CAS) in regards to the Scottish Government’s Welfare Reform (Further Provision) (Scotland) Bill using the ten questions posed by the Committee.

  7. Publication date:
    April 2012

    Briefing on the effects of Housing Benefit reform on the people, communities and economy of Scotland.

  8. the impact of the IB/ESA migration on Scotland's people, communites, and services
    Keith Dryburgh
    Publication date:
    February 2012

    A report into the effect of the migration from Incapacity Benefit to Employment Support Allowance on Scotland's claimants

  9. Publication date:
    February 2012

    A briefing to Scottish MPs for the Westminster Hall Debate on the ESA Work Capability Assessment, 1st February 2011.

  10. Publication date:
    January 2012
  11. Publication date:
    October 2011

    Part of our series of briefing sheets based on the report Being Young Being Heard, this sheet focuses on the problems young people face with benefits.

  12. Keith Dryburgh
    Publication date:
    October 2011

    Submission from Citizens Advice Scotland to the Finance Committee scrutiny of the Scottish Government’s Spending Review 2011 and Draft Budget 2012-13

  13. Keith Dryburgh
    Publication date:
    October 2011

    Submission from Citizens Advice Scotland to the Infrastructure & Capital Investment Committee: Scrutiny of the Scottish Government’s Spending Review 2011 and Draft Budget 2012-13


  14. Keith Dryburgh
    Publication date:
    October 2011

    Submission from Citizens Advice Scotland to the Local Government and Regeneration Committee Scrutiny of the Scottish Government’s Spending Review 2011 and Draft Budget 2012-13

  15. Matt Lancashire
    Publication date:
    October 2011

    Crisis Loans and Community Care Grants are to be devolved to Scotland. This response to the consultation advised Scottish Government how successor arrangements might operate in Scotland.


  16. Keith Dryburgh and Matt Lancashire
    Publication date:
    October 2011

    CAS's submission to the Scottish Parliament Health & Sport Committee, which will be scrutinising the UK Welfare Reform Bill Legislative Consent Motion, gives detail on the impact of aspects of the bill to Scotland’s people, services and economy. In addition it sets out our arguments for the establishment of a Scottish Parliament Welfare and Benefits Committee and our position on the LCM.

  17. Matt Lancashire and Keith Dryburgh
    Publication date:
    October 2011

    CAS has prepared a briefing on the impact of the welfare reform bill on Scotland’s people, services, and devolved areas and called for the Scottish Parliament to set up a Welfare Reform Bill Committee.

  18. Keith Dryburgh
    Publication date:
    September 2011

    The CAS response to the second year of the Harrington Review, based on the input of over 130 managers, advisers and volunteers from 60 different bureaux across Scotland.

  19. Publication date:
    September 2011

    This briefing draws on the Scottish Campaign on Welfare Reform (SCoWR) manifesto to set out five key principles for welfare reform agreed by our diverse membership. It calls on the House of Lords to ensure these principles underpin debate and decisions on the Welfare Reform Bill.

  20. Publication date:
    August 2011

    This briefing sheet looks at the sharp rise in sanctions and the unhelpful effects they have on the people affected, as well as recommendations for improving the system.
