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CAS response to Year 2 of the Harrington Review

The CAS response to the second year of the Harrington Review, based on the input of over 130 managers, advisers and volunteers from 60 different bureaux across Scotland.

Advice in Detail: Benefits

This report is a detailed look at the benefits issues that clients bring to the Scottish CAB Service

Scottish Government Spending Review & Draft Budget: Justice Committee

Submission from Citizens Advice Scotland to the Justice Committee: Scrutiny of the Scottish Government's Spending Review 2011 and Draft Budget 2012-13

A response to the Scottish Government consultation on the devolution of crisis loans and community care grants

Crisis Loans and Community Care Grants are to be devolved to Scotland. This response to the consultation advised Scottish Government how successor arrangements might operate in Scotland.


Scottish Government Spending Review & Draft Budget: Local Government & Regeneration Committee

Submission from Citizens Advice Scotland to the Local Government and Regeneration Committee Scrutiny of the Scottish Government’s Spending Review 2011 and Draft Budget 2012-13

Scottish Government Spending Review & Draft Budget: Infrastructure & Capital Investment Committee

Submission from Citizens Advice Scotland to the Infrastructure & Capital Investment Committee: Scrutiny of the Scottish Government’s Spending Review 2011 and Draft Budget 2012-13


Scottish Government Spending Review & Draft Budget: Finance Committee

Submission from Citizens Advice Scotland to the Finance Committee scrutiny of the Scottish Government’s Spending Review 2011 and Draft Budget 2012-13

Empowering and protecting consumers

CAS’s response to the government consultation on the simplification of the consumer landscape, including the transfer of Consumer Direct's advice-giving work to Citizens Advice Scotland and Citizens Advice (England and Wales) in April 2012.

A response to the Scottish Government consultation on the creation of a Scottish Civil Justice Council

Citizens advice bureaux advised on 25,769 new legal issues in 2010/11; an increase of 7% on the previous year. Additionally, bureaux reported a significant increase in the assistance they are providing in benefit appeals, helping clients to complete over 12,000 welfare tribunal documents, and representing clients at 3,312 welfare tribunals(an annual increase of 58%). CAS welcomes the opportunity to respond to this consultation on the creation of a Scottish Civil Justice Council.


A Response to the OFT annual plan 2012/13

The key priority areas for citizens advice bureau clients primarily relate to the work of the OFT in the consumer credit and financial products markets. This response outlines the areas of work which we would like to see the OFT continue as priorities, and highlights areas of concern for further consideration by the OFT.


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