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Civvy street - the new frontline

In the lead up to Armed Forces Day on Saturday 30th June, Citizens Advice Scotland (CAS) published a report on the advice needs of veterans after they have left the Services.

While the majority of those who serve make a successful transition to civilian life, a significant minority experience challenging problems. While these problems do not differ considerably from those of the average person, it is the complexity and severity of these problems that are markedly different.

The Armed Services Advice Project (ASAP) was established in 2010 to provide advice and support for all members of the Armed Forces community, whether they are serving personnel, veterans of their families. The Civvy Street: The New Frontline report examines the advice needs and experiences of the 1,769 clients who accessed ASAP for advice in the first two years of the service.

Keith Dryburgh
Publication date
June 2012
Publication type