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CFU Briefing - Warming Scotland up to Energy Efficiency

The Consumer Futures Unit is publishing a series of briefing sheets that draw together evidence and recommendations on issues relevant to energy, post and water consumers in Scotland. This briefing gives an overview of research into consumer views on Scotland's Energy Efficiency Programme, and incentivising energy efficiency improvements in the owner-occupied sector. 

Warming Scotland up to Energy Efficiency: Putting Consumers First

Today the Consumer Futures Unit (CFU) of Citizens Advice Scotland has published its insight report Warming Scotland up to Energy Efficiency: Putting Consumers First.

This insight report, and our other detailed recent publications on which it is based, seek to help provide a consumer perspective on this important area of policy.

Response to Benefit Cap Inquiry

In November 2016, the Benefit Cap was reduced to £384.62 per week for families.

Official estimates suggest that 5,000 households in Scotland will have their housing support capped as a result of the lowering of the Cap, compared with 745 households prior to the change.

The Impact of Reducing the Benefit Cap

In November 2016, the Benefit Cap was reduced to £384.62 per week for families. Official figures suggest that 3,642 households in Scotland will have their housing support capped as a result of the lowering of the Cap, compared with 745 households prior to
the change.

Universal Credit in East Lothian - Impact on client entitlement

East Lothian was the first Scottish local authority to implement Universal Credit full service. In January 2017, Musselburgh and Haddington Citizens Advice Bureaux conducted a two week 'snap shot' survey of their clients enabling them to calculate their benefit entitlements under Universal Credit in comparison to the six legacy, working age benefits it replaces.

CAB Staffing and National Statistics 2016-17

Briefing on % split of paid staff to volunteers; types of services provided to compliment the generalist service; client financial gain and funding; how clients contacted CAB and the work undertaken by CAB in addition to giving advice

Response to Socio-Economic Duty Consultation

Citizens Advice Scotland welcomes the opportunity to respond to the consultation, which builds on the previous consultation on the same subject carried out in 2009. Scotland’s CAB network has expertise in addressing socio-economic inequalities through the provision of independent advice, including income maximisation, benefits and money advice to groups who would be considered a priority in considering how the Socio-Economic Duty might be applied.

Calling for a halt to Universal Credit

Citizens Advice Scotland is calling for a freeze in the roll out of Universal Credit (UC) until serious policy and administrative issues have been addressed, to ensure that the positive principles behind Universal Credit can be achieved.

Department for Work and Pensions - Reforms to the Social Fund’s Funeral Expenses Payments scheme

Response to the Department for Work and Pensions Consultation on proposed reforms to the Funeral Expenses Payments scheme.

The National Transport Strategy Review – Call for Evidence

The Scottish Government are undertaking a review of the National Transport Strategy (NTS) in order to develop a successor to the current strategy. The new transport strategy will set out the vision for transport over the next 20 years. 


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