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Briefing for Social Security (Scotland) Bill Stage 1 debate

Citizens Advice Scotland (CAS) welcomes the general principles of the Bill which has the potential to create a new social security system that will make a positive difference for tens of thousands of Scotland’s citizens. There are, however, a number of areas that could be included on the face of the Bill as opposed to being left to regulations and guidance.

Cost of Saying Goodbye 2017

Citizens Advice Scotland have published our annual report on burial and cremation charges across Scotland.

Consumer Futures Unit Consultation Response: Water Intended for Human Consumption (Private Supplies) (Scotland) Regulations 2017

“Generally, we believe that the new regulations provide greater protection to those consuming private water from Type A supplies, and greater accountability for those responsible for supplying private drinking water.”

The Postcode Penalty: Delivering Solutions

The Consumer Futures Unit (CFU) undertook extensive research to get to the root of the frustrating surcharges consumers face in parts of Scotland. This report summarises the findings, and makes recommendations for possible solutions. 

National Consumer Week 2017 - partner resources

If you are interested in joining us and taking part in this year's National Consumer Week, here are some resources to help you do so.

‘Riding the Waves: Keeping the community on board’

The Consumer Futures Unit launches a new report today setting out a clear framework to support effective community engagement activities during the delivery of measures to help mitigate flooding.

Riding the Waves: Keeping the community on board  is based on independent consumer research into the experience of local community resilience groups, Scottish Water and Scottish local authorities. The report looks at good practice in community engagement based on a series of consumer engagement principles.

Citizens Advice Service Statistics 2016-17

Statistical briefing on advice given; client demographics based on an annual survey of CAB clients undertake for 4 weeks in November 2016; map of coverage within the 4 weeks and comparison to SIMD data.

Advice in Scotland 2016-17

During 2016-17 Citizens Advice Bureaux supported almost 275,000 clients across Scotland with over 930,000 advice needs, none of which could have been achieved without the almost 2,400 volunteers and 938 paid staff.  If standard opening hours are used as a benchmark, that would imply that one advice query is dealt with every 19 seconds!  

The 'Advice in Scotland 2016-17' report provides all the detail, while the briefing paper covers the highlights.

Consumer Futures Unit Response to Climate Change Bill Consultation

The Consumer Futures Unit at Citizens Advice Scotland supports ambitious climate change targets. We understand that the negative economic and social impact of climate change on future generations will be greater if action is not taken now.

However, the near term impacts on the citizens of Scotland must be carefully managed to ensure that decarbonisation policies consider affordability and consumer needs and acceptability in a way that will build positive trust and lead to mutual positive outcomes.


Good practice guide: Holistic support for energy consumers who self disconnect from their prepayment meters

Citizens Advice and Citizens Advice Scotland has produced this guide for organisations supporting PPM users. It sets out 5 key support areas and how these can be tailored to PPM users. Organisations should use these guidelines to ensure they are providing appropriate and effective support to PPM users, both in-house and through partnership work.


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