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Market Pulse - Energy Consumer Tracker Survey 2017,18,19

CAS is publishing its Market Pulse report which has tracked the attitudes of consumers in Scotland over three years on a range of issues, finding 

  • 12 per cent of consumers rating their bills as unaffordable 
  • A fall in consumers using the traditional Big Six suppliers with consumers moving to smaller suppliers, often because of lower prices
  • A decrease in people using electricity to heat their homes and an increase in people using gas, laying out the challenges in the energy market as policy makers move to decarbonise heat and meet climate emissions targets
  • Almost half of consumers could qualify for extra support through the Priority Service Register – but only a quarter of consumers are actually enrolled. 

The report is available for download below. The data is also available on request. 

CAS response to How public funds can be used to support the mobility needs of disabled people consultation

Citizens Advice Scotland welcomes the opportunity to respond to the consultation. Advice on disability benefits and mobility are among the most common areas of advice provided by Scotland’s CAB network. In 2018-19, Scottish CAB provided advice to clients on 47,133 issues related to the mobility component of Personal Independence Payment (PIP), and 5,050 related to the Disability Living Allowance (DLA) mobility element.

Council Tax: Check to Save campaign

Council Tax: Check to Save launches on Monday 2nd March. The campaign aims to raise awareness of council tax debt as an issue for our clients and the public and empower people to take action. Running for 2 weeks at a national level the campaign is support by Citizens Advice Bureaux across Scotland. 

CAS Response to the Economy, Energy and Fair Work Committee’s Call for Views on Electric Vehicles and Locally Owned Energy (Energy Inquiry)

This is CAS' response to the Economy, Energy and Fair Work Committee's call for view on local energy and electric vehicles, as part of their Energy Inquiry. CAS acknowledges the central role that locally-owned energy and electric vehicles have to play in the transition to low carbon, in line with climate change targets but we emphasise the need to protect consumers in the transition from unaffordably high fuel bills, scams and lack of redress, especially those who are vulnerable to these changes.

Scottish Campaign on Rights to Social Security: Universal Credit Briefing

The Scottish Campaign on Rights to Social Security (SCoRSS) is a coalition of organisations who advocate for a reformed social security system that reflects the five principles set out in our Principles for Change. SCoRSS (previously the Scottish Campaign on Welfare Reform) encompasses over 40 organisations from key third sector organisations, charities, faith groups, and unions. 

CAS response to draft Disability Assistance for Children and Young People (Scotland) Regulations 2020

Citizens Advice Scotland recommends the draft regulations are amended to change or clarify a number of areas to improve the social security support provided to disabled children and young people.

CAS response to Benefit Take-up inquiry

Citizens Advice Scotland (CAS) welcomes the opportunity to provide evidence to the inquiry. In 2018-19, Scotland’s CAB network provided advice on 311,714 issues related to benefits, representing 44% of all advice given in that year. To further inform our submission, CAS surveyed 65 CAB advisers, representing a wide range of geographical areas, to gain their insight into issues surrounding benefit uptake.

CAS response to Welfare Policy in Scotland inquiry

CAS recognises that Universal Credit (UC) may be working well for some people. However, evidence from across the Scottish Citizens Advice network suggests that a significant number of people -who are often already vulnerable and/or marginalised- are experiencing hardship and detriment as a result of having to claim UC.

CAS response to UK Government consultation: "Good Work Plan: establishing a Single Enforcement Body for employment rights"

Citizens Advice Bureaux across Scotland dealt with over 40,000 employment issues in 2018-19 alone, and recorded more than 300 detailed case studies related to employment. Employment advice is consistently one of our top five advice areas, and the advice categories “terms and conditions” and “pay and entitlements” are the most commonly recorded client inquiries. Between, 2016-17 and 2017-18, employment issues related to terms and conditions, and pay and entitlements grew slightly as a proportion of all employment issues we dealt with.  This Citizens Advice Scotland response is based on our previous research in this area and analysis of detailed case studies submitted by frontline advisers between April 2018 and September 2019[i].


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