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CAS response to the BEIS consultation on Warm Home Discount 2021/22

CAS welcomes a one-year extension to the Warm Home Discount scheme to 2021/22. As a result of the time pressures for securing this extension, we recognise the limitations of the proposals outlined. To have a meaningful impact, future changes to the scheme design must be complimented by an increase to the spending envelope. CAS also welcomes a discussion around devolution and the recognition that fuel poverty targeting could potentially be done more effectively at a national level. 

Money Map tool - campaign resources

We have produced a range of campaign tools for the Citizens Advice Bureaux network in Scotland to take part in the Money Map campaign. Please note, the Money Map tool will go live at 10am on Monday 23 November at

The resources are available for you to download.

Citizens Advice Scotland Response to ‘Strategic Review of Charges 2021-27: Draft Determination’

Citizens Advice Scotland welcomes the opportunity to respond to WICS’ Strategic Review of Charges 2021-27: Draft Determination consultation.


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