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  1. CAS consultation response
    Keith Dryburgh and Sarah Beattie-Smith
    Publication date:
    September 2015

    CAS have responded to a Scottish Affairs Committee consultation on what their work should be during this parliament.

  2. Cambium Advocacy
    Publication date:
    August 2015

    This research report, part of our ‘Paying the Poverty Premium’ series, was designed to investigate Scottish CAB clients’ experiences of the “poverty premium”.

  3. Response from CAS
    Publication date:
    August 2015

    CAS responds to the Department of Buisness, Innovation and Skills consultation on the Government's steer to the Competition and Markets Authority.

  4. Gillian Anderson, Dr Covadonga Gijón, Professor Jason Whalley
    Publication date:
    August 2015

    In 2013, Citizens Advice Scotland conducted a survey with Scottish Citizens Advice Bureau clients who sought advice on a benefits issue, to explore their access, ability and desire to use the internet.  This report, Internet Access in Glasgow's Deprived Areas is an analysis of the responses from the original 2013 survey from CAB clients in Glasgow.

  5. Rich Hall and Sarah Beattie-Smith
    Publication date:
    August 2015

    The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) is conducting an inquiry into the energy industry. The CMA published its provisional findings and a set of provisional remedies in July 2015.


  6. The Citizens Advice Service responds to the European Commission consultation on cross-border parcel delivery
    Xanthe Couture and David Moyes
    Publication date:
    July 2015

    The Citizens Advice Service welcomes the opportunity to respond to the European Commission consultation on cross-border parcel delivery. A competitive cross-border delivery market has the potential to benefit consumers through greater choice. In our response we highlight that this market is still young, and as such any regulatory intervention runs the risk of disrupting the natural development of the market, which may develop the solutions to issues faced by consumers. We contend that introducing price caps at this stage would be premature and difficult to implement.

  7. CAS Consultation Response
    Robert McGeachy & Gail Walker
    Publication date:
    July 2015

    CAS responds to the Scottish Governments consultation on reservoir regulations.

  8. Kate Morrison
    Publication date:
    July 2015

    This Consumer Futures Unit guide aims to help you save money on your heating and electricity bills and keep your home warm. It is aimed at people who live in or own traditional stone tenement flats in Scotland.

  9. Patrick Hogan & Fraser Stewart
    Publication date:
    July 2015

    Citizens Advice Scotland (CAS) is seeking tenders from potential research suppliers to undertake research into the poverty premium and the consumer behaviour of low-income households in Scotland. 

  10. Burial and cremation charges in Scotland 2015
    Fraser Sutherland
    Publication date:
    June 2015

    Costs for burials and cremations have increased in Scotland in 2015 while more people seek advice from their local CAB than ever before about paying for funerals.

  11. Minimum Standards of Energy Efficiency in Private Sector Housing: The View from Consumers and Bureaux
    Fraser Stewart
    Publication date:
    June 2015

    Citizens Advice Scotland (CAS) is a member of the Scottish Government's Regulation of Energy Efficiency in the Private Sector (REEPS) working group. This is a stakeholder advisory group drafting regulations for consultation that will help the Scottish Government improve the energy efficiency of Scotland’s existing private sector housing stock. To support this work CAS commissioned independent research that could help the working group better understand homeowners’ and private rented tenants’ attitudes and awareness of energy efficiency measures, including the potential barriers to taking action and consumers’ likely response to any future regulation. The full research report is available separately. 

    This accompanying evidence review complements the commissioned research by summarising the key findings from four focus groups, and brings these findings together with additional evidence collected by the Scottish Citizens Advice service. These further insights have helped identify the everyday realities for many Scottish households unable to adequately heat their homes or who live in poor quality housing, which can often lead to preventable health problems.

  12. Fraser Sutherland
    Publication date:
    May 2015

    CAS respond to the Scottish Governments second consultation on a new tenancy for the private rented sector.

  13. Robert McGeachy, Gail Walker, Rob Gowans and Lauren Wood
    Publication date:
    April 2015

    The Scottish Government’s consultation focuses on changes to the public procurement rules in Scotland. These changes are as a result of new EU legislation, and are designed to further simplify the public procurement rules, and to support wider public policy aims including delivering sustainable economic growth. CAS’ response highlights the need to make sure that the changes deliver positive outcomes for the paying public, and deliver value for the service end users. Our response also emphasises that the changes to the procurement rules need to ensure that public bodies promote fair employment practice through public procurement.

  14. Consumer Devolution
    Sarah Beattie-Smith
    Publication date:
    April 2015

    Citizens Advice Scotland (CAS) is the statutory consumer representative in Scotland. Our service delivers advice and advocacy for consumers on issues from energy to banking and from housing rights to payday loans as well as providing holistic advice and support for hundreds of thousands of people on issues from benefits to immigration.

    The Citizens Advice service is one which is well recognised by the Scottish public.  A survey of CAB clients and members of the public found that 98% felt they could trust the confidential service we provide, with 97% praising the service for helping people get fair treatment. A recent report produced by the Fraser of Allander institute found that the Scottish CAB service contributed a total benefit to the common good in Scotland of nearly £170 million.

    The Command Paper states that “consumer advocacy and advice” will be devolved to the Scottish Parliament as part of the further devolution of powers and details the specific statutory powers, duties and functions that will transfer to Scotland.

    Citizens Advice Scotland looks forward to working with both parliaments and governments to determine how best to deliver new powers. We are of the view that CAS is and should remain at the heart of the consumer landscape and that we have a key role to play in delivering an excellent advice and advocacy service for consumers.

    CAS reports to the Department of Business Innovation and Skills on work undertaken and funded by the UK Government or through a levy on industry. Reports on our work in relation to the regulated markets of energy and post are laid before the UK Parliament. In addition, we report to the Scottish Government on our work on behalf of water consumers in Scotland. This reporting is laid before the Scottish Parliament. We would expect to report to any future funder and/or accountable body in a similar way.

  15. Publication date:
    April 2015

    Narrowing the digital divide in Scotland is one of the most important issues faced by policymakers.  However, there citizens across Scotland who are excluded from this valuable resource and in turn excluded from the benefits access to the internet can bring.

  16. Challenging the costs of Funerals in Scotland
    Fraser Sutherland
    Publication date:
    April 2015

    Advice regarding funerals has risen in recent years, as our recent Real Deal publication on the subject highlighted, and the CAB service now helps with just over one issue a day in Scotland regarding funerals.

  17. Publication date:
    April 2015

    Citizens Advice Scotland's Work Plan for Water 2015-16

  18. Implementing the Smith Agreement: Civil protections and advice
    Publication date:
    March 2015
  19. The Confidence Code is a voluntary code of practice for domestic energy price comparison sites
    Jenni Lucas-Williams
    Publication date:
    February 2015

    The Citizens Advice Service welcomes the opportunity to respond to the consultation on Ofgem’s proposed drafting for the Confidence Code to reflect January 2015 policy changes.

  20. Consultation response
    Xanthe Couture and Kate Morrison
    Publication date:
    February 2015

    As the statutory representative for consumers of postal services across Scotland, England and Wales, the Citizens Advice Service are pleased to respond to offer comments on the postal elements of Ofcom’s Draft Annual Plan 2015/16.

