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  1. David McNeish
    Publication date:
    September 2007

    Communities committee inquiry on the central heating programme and warm deal a response from CAS.

  2. Briefing paper 6
    Publication date:
    August 2007

    Over the year, statistics are collected about the nature of every enquiry brought by clients to each of the 60 Scottish Citizens Advice Bureaux. This information helps us to spot patterns and trends in advice seeking and to gauge the scale of specific problems. This briefing presents an overview of the problems seen by Scottish citizens advice bureaux from April 2006 to March 2007.

  3. David McNeish
    Publication date:
    August 2007

    Supplemental information from CAS for the Scottish Affairs Select Committee inquiry into Poverty in Scotland.

  4. Beccy Reilly
    Publication date:
    August 2007

    Consultation response to the regulations for a Low Income, Low Assets access route to bankruptcy.

  5. Publication date:
    April 2007

    Briefing looking at the Post Office networks and the potential impact of branch closures on clients

  6. Lindsay Isaacs
    Publication date:
    April 2007

    Consultation response providing evidence on Scottish CAB clients' experiences accessing the social fund.

  7. Beccy Reilly
    Publication date:
    April 2007

    Consultation response to the Commission of the European Communities green paper on the attachment of bank accounts.

  8. Publication date:
    April 2007

    Briefing examining Payment Protection Insurance (PPI). 

  9. Publication date:
    March 2007

    Consultation response which outlines clients and advisers experiences relating to the Post Office Network

  10. Publication date:
    March 2007

    Briefing which focuses on CAB clients with mental health issues.

  11. David McNeish
    Publication date:
    February 2007

    Members business debate on Switch off energy debt.

  12. Publication date:
    February 2007

    A briefing paper on the 2007 replacement of the Child Support Agency with the Child Maintenance and Enforcement Commission.  

  13. Lindsay Isaacs
    Publication date:
    February 2007

    Consultation response which examines client evidence in relation to payment protection insurance (PPI).

  14. Emilie Wilson
    Publication date:
    February 2007

    Response to the Scottish Executive's Regulatory Impact Assessment on regulations relating to the Private Rented Housing panel.

  15. Publication date:
    February 2007

    Letter in response to green paper on Welfare Reform

  16. knowledge is everything
    Publication date:
    February 2007

    A briefing paper describing the information system that Citizens Advice Scotland provides to bureaux. This comprehensive resource facilitates the delivery of accurate advice to bureaux clients on a huge range of subjects.

  17. Issue 9
    Publication date:
    January 2007

    This briefing highlights some of the social policy successes achieved by the Citizens Advice Bureaux Service in Scotland from July to December 2006. Many thanks to all the bureaux that fed back social policy cases and statistics – none of this could happen without information on the experiences of Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) clients in Scotland.

  18. Publication date:
    December 2006
  19. Briefing paper 6
    Publication date:
    July 2006

    In every bureau in Scotland, statistics are collated over the course of the year about the nature of each enquiry brought by clients to the Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) service. This information enables us to build up a profile of the issues of concern to our clients, and to identify trends in advice seeking. The information in this briefing is based on statistics collected between April 2004 and March 2005. The figures do not represent a head count as any one client may raise a number of issues during an advice session.

  20. Issue 8
    Publication date:
    July 2006

    This briefing highlights some of the social policy successes achieved by the CAB Service in Scotland from January to June 2006. Thanks to all the bureaux that fed back social policy cases and statistics – none of this could happen without information on the experiences of CABx clients in Scotland.
