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  1. Jamie Stewart
    Publication date:
    June 2019

    This report details the energy issues advised on by the Citizens Advice network in Scotland in 2017-18.
    The data shows that of the three main strands of the network, the majority of energy-related advice
    in Scotland continues to be provided by Scottish Citizens Advice Bureaux, accounting for 92% of the advice provided
    in 2017-18.

    This reflects the complementary nature of the Citizens Advice network which in 2017-18 included:

    • Citizens Advice Bureaux which primarily provide advice on complex interrelated issues;
    • the Extra Help Unit undertakes specialist case work on behalf of vulnerable consumers, often in urgent need of assistance; and
    • the Citizens Advice Consumer Service has a statutory remit to deliver first tier advice.

    In 2017-18, a total of 41,233 energy issues were advised on across the whole Citizens Advice network in Scotland.

  2. CAS responds to new Commission's call for evidence
    Jamie Stewart
    Publication date:
    May 2019

    The Scottish Government has established the Infrastructure Commission for Scotland to provide independent, informed advice on the creation of a 30-year infrastructure strategy to meet the country’s future economic growth and societal needs. To support this, the Commission issued a call for evidence

  3. Publication date:
    March 2019

    People can be vulnerable at different stages in our lives.  When we are, we are likely to need water, light and heat more than ever. In this country we  are entitled to receive extra help, such as receiving additional support during a power cut. However receiving this support relies on people being registered for it.

    In 2018, CAS commissioned Ipsos MORI Scotland to investigate the experiences and perspectives of Scottish consumers in vulnerable situations with regard to additional support provided by essential service providers, and how could the customer experience and process of registering across sectors for additional forms of support be improved. 

  4. Jamie Stewart
    Publication date:
    March 2019

    Citizens Advice Scotland (CAS) uses research and evidence to put consumers at the heart of policy and regulation in the energy, post and water sectors in Scotland. CAS is the Scottish consumer advocate on energy network issues and work closely with Citizens Advice England and Wales in this area. 

  5. Marcus Wilson
    Publication date:
    January 2019

    CAS responded to the UK Parliament's Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Committee energy efficiency inquiry.

  6. Jamie Stewart
    Publication date:
    December 2018
  7. Eilidh McIvor & Craig Salter
    Publication date:
    December 2018

    Citizens Advice Scotland (CAS) welcomes the opportunity to contribute to this important discussion on the future of housing in Scotland. In 2017/2018, Scottish Citizens Advice Bureaux (CAB) advised clients on 46,777 housing issues, making housing the fourth largest area of advice provided by the network. This response is shaped by our evidence on the many and varied housing issues that CAB clients face, as well as by our Consumer Futures statutory responsibilities. 

  8. Delivering effective support to households with electric heating
    Craig Salter
    Publication date:
    October 2018

    Hard-Wired Problems: Delivering effective support to households with electric heating provides insight into the nature and reach of services that provide support to households that rely on electric heating, and explores consumers’ experiences of using these services and how services could be better supported.

  9. The potential for heating oil buying clubs in Highland Scotland
    Marcus Wilson
    Publication date:
    October 2018
  10. Jamie Stewart
    Publication date:
    September 2018

    CAS is the Scottish consumer advocate on energy network issues. Our response focuses on Scottish specific points which we believe are important considerations for the ENA Future Worlds consultation.

  11. Marcus Wilson
    Publication date:
    September 2018

    Citizens Advice Scotland responded to the Scottish Parliament's Economy, Energy and Fair Work committee's call for views on the Scottish Government's proposed Publicly Owned Energy Company.

  12. Issues brought to the Citizens Advice Network in Scotland 2016-17
    Publication date:
    August 2018

    The Energy Advice in Detail report provides an annual assessment of the energy issues clients of the Citizens Advice network in Scotland sought assistance with, and places those within a wider policy context.

  13. David Moyes & Kate Morrison
    Publication date:
    August 2018

    Mains gas is both the cheapest means to heat homes and the most common heating fuel in Scotland, England and Wales. However many people, particularly in certain areas and demographics, do not have access to, or do not make use of, mains gas for heating their home.

  14. Consumers and Scottish climate change policy
    Dr Jamie Stewart
    Publication date:
    August 2018

    The report is based on research carried out by Changeworks and Hilliam Research on behalf of CAS. CAS commissioned the research understand the implications for consumers of energy and climate change policy in Scotland, and provides analysis of the Scottish Government’s new Climate Change Plan and Energy Strategy. In particular, we sought to understand the type of behaviour changes that could be expected of consumers as a result of these policies, and the steps being taken by the Scottish Government and others to facilitate these changes. 

  15. Energy networks in Scotland and their changing role with consumers
    Jamie Stewart
    Publication date:
    August 2018

    Today Citizens Advice Scotland is publishing our latest report ‘Pylons, Pipes and People: Energy networks in Scotland and their changing role with consumers’.

    In late 2017 we commissioned the Centre for Sustainable Energy (CSE) and Changeworks to undertake a research study into the energy distribution network companies operating in Scotland. This study’s particular focus was to explore how these companies currently support consumers and how their role in Scotland can and should change to ensure that consumers, and particularly vulnerable consumers, are most effectively supported as our energy system transforms.

  16. Craig Salter
    Publication date:
    July 2018

    The social rented sector plays a fundamental role in providing genuinely affordable housing. High quality, energy efficient social housing is vital to Scotland’s communities. Scottish Government data shows that the energy efficiency of housing in the social rented sector has improved over recent years. However, while there have been some reductions in fuel poverty in this sector, the number of households in fuel poverty remains stubbornly high and greater than the national fuel poverty rate.

  17. Nina Ballantyne
    Publication date:
    July 2018

    We all use energy, post and water services and Citizens Advice Scotland (CAS) is the independent advocate for consumers’ interests in these sectors. We work with governments, regulators and business to put consumers first, designing policy and practice around their needs and aspirations.

  18. Nina Ballantyne
    Publication date:
    June 2018

    Scotland’s independent consumer advocate has pledged to put consumers first in the regulated industries of energy, water and post. The Consumer Futures Unit of Citizens Advice Scotland has outlined its priorities in its work plan for 2018-19.

  19. Craig Salter
    Publication date:
    June 2018

    Today the Consumer Futures Unit (CFU) at Citizens Advice Scotland (CAS) is publishing its insight report 'Speaking up: Understanding Fuel Poverty Support Needs' alongside a briefing sheet.

    The insight report is based on research carried out in 2017 by Ipsos Mori and Bill Sheldrick. The CFU commissioned the research to explore the characteristics of fuel poor households that may be in the greatest need of support, and the types of support that would benefit them most.  The research included secondary analysis of Scottish Household Survey data as well as qualitative interviews with fuel poor households.

  20. Marcus Wilson
    Publication date:
    May 2018

    CAS' response to the Competition and Markets Authority's (CMA) provisional recommendations from their investigation into heat networks. 

