The Scottish Government has established the Infrastructure Commission for Scotland to provide independent, informed advice on the creation of a 30-year infrastructure strategy to meet the country’s future economic growth and societal needs. To support this, the Commission issued a call for evidence.
In our response we touch on many of the sectors defined by the Commission - water, energy, post, housing, telecoms, digital and internet. Given our remit to cover a number of different sectors we also provide a summary of cross cutting themes we think are important for future infrastructure development.
Our response to the specific questions focus around a number of key areas:
- Affordable heat as an infrastructure priority
- The need for inclusive development of energy network infrastructure
- The role of Scottish Water in a low carbon economy
- The need to balance investment with water charges
- Investment in existing and new good quality affordable homes as a priority
Telecoms, digital and internet
- The need for digital access for inclusive economic growth – with appropriate provision for those who may never be online
- The need for a holistic investment approach to digital infrastructure