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  1. Citizens Advice Scotland has published the first ever impact report detailing the positive contribution the service makes to Scottish society.
    CAS communications
    Publication date:
    October 2016

    In our first report of this kind, we demonstrate the impact of the Scottish Citizens Advice service on the 310,000-plus clients who received help in 2015/16, as well as touching on the wider benefits of our work to the rest of society.

  2. Scottish Government consultation
    Rob Gowans
    Publication date:
    September 2016

    Citizens Advice Scotland agrees that the Scottish Government should
    include in statute an ambition to eradicate child poverty. It is equally important
    however that this ambition is backed up by clear strategies with specific,
    measurable and deliverable actions that are directly linked to reducing the
    levels of child poverty in Scotland.

  3. Second Independent Review
    Rhiannon Sims
    Publication date:
    September 2016

    CAS has responded to the call for evidence to inform the second independent review of Personal Independence Payment.

    Despite improvements having been made to waiting times and other aspects of benefit delivery, fundamental problems remain with respect to the design of Personal Independence Payment (PIP), specifically around assessments, medical evidence, length of awards, accuracy of decision making and mandatory reconsideration.

    These are all issues that CAS raised in our response to the first independent review, and it is now crucial that solutions to these issues are found before more people experience similar problems as they undergo the transition from DLA to PIP.

  4. Burial and cremation charges in Scotland 2016
    Fraser Sutherland
    Publication date:
    September 2016

    The basic cost of burial fees in Scotland (i.e. not including undertakers fees) is on average £1,363 in 2016. That’s a 7% increase since 2015.

  5. Improving information and signposting for users and managers of private water supplies
    Gail Walker
    Publication date:
    September 2016

    The Consumer Futures Unit of Citizens Advice Scotland is very pleased to invite you to tender for research into  Improving information and signposting for users and managers of private water supplies. Our Specification of Requirement sets out the research scope and timescales for delivery. Please also download a Pricing Schedule.

    The closing date for clarification questions is Friday 16 September 2016 and we would ask that tenders are submitted by Friday 30 September 2016.

    Many thanks and we look forward to hearing from you.

  6. Issues affecting flooded consumers and ability to access affordable insurance
    Fraser Sutherland
    Publication date:
    September 2016

    CAS undertook a detailed survey research of 178 households in Scotland, over two thirds of which live in a flood risk area based on SEPA analysis.

  7. The poverty premium in energy, telecommunications and finance in Scotland
    Patrick Hogan
    Publication date:
    August 2016

    As Scotland’s consumer champion, Citizens Advice Scotland (CAS) is driven to identify and mitigate consumer vulnerability through evidence-based advocacy and education. While anyone can be a vulnerable consumer, those on a low income can find themselves particularly susceptible to financial detriment.

  8. Publication date:
    August 2016

    The final report by Deloitte about the governance review conducted in 2016.

  9. Publication date:
    August 2016
  10. CAB Clients in Crisis
    Rhiannon Sims
    Publication date:
    July 2016

    On-going analysis of CAB case evidence over the last four years has shown that more and more bureaux clients are experiencing periods of no income, and are unable to afford essentials including food, gas and electricity to heat their homes, as well as priority payments such as rent. More worryingly still are the number of clients who present at bureaux having not eaten in a number of days. 

  11. A consumers guide to avoiding the latest financial scams
    Fraser Sutherland
    Publication date:
    July 2016

    This consumer guide provides information on the latest financial scams the Citizens Advice service in Scotland has seen and how to spot the signs of a scam

  12. Citizens Advice and Citizens Advice Scotland annual report for 2015-16
    Publication date:
    June 2016

    This report looks back to describe the work Citizens Advice and Citizens Advice Scotland (CAS) carried out to represent consumers in 2015-16. This was a year of laying foundations, as our organisations developed our roles representing consumers in the energy and postal markets in England, Wales and Scotland, and in the energy, postal and water markets in Scotland.

  13. Delivering energy efficiency to rural, off-gas Scotland
    Publication date:
    June 2016

    Mains gas is the cheapest way to heat a home but 23% of Scottish households rely on more expensive fuel types, such as bottled gas or electricity, to heat their property. Many off-gas households are located in rural areas and are vulnerable to fuel poverty owing to a number of additional factors, such as a greater prevalence of colder properties which are harder to treat with energy efficiency measures. 

  14. A review of energy efficiency and fuel poverty schemes in Scotland
    Publication date:
    June 2016

    The Scottish Government have announced that they will introduce Scotland’s Energy Efficiency Programme (SEEP) in the coming years. This scheme will make use of the new powers over energy efficiency funds. Given the current political interest and potential levels of investment, CAS believes that it is important to ensure that the impacts resulting from undertaking large-scale energy efficiency installations are fully understood.

  15. "Measures to ensure the Scottish water and sewerage non-household retail market work well"
    Publication date:
    June 2016

    The Consumer Futures Unit's response to the Commission's consultation seeking views on measures to ensure the Scottish water and sewerage non-household retail market
    works well.

  16. Taking stock of the smart meter rollout programme in Scotland
    Publication date:
    June 2016

    The roll out of smart meters to UK gas and electricity consumers is to be completed by 2020, updating the country’s energy infrastructure and offering a number of benefits to consumers. However there is a risk that where people live, the type of home they live in and how they pay for their energy may affect when they receive a smart meter, and what kind they will be offered.

  17. CAS written evidence
    Rhiannon Sims
    Publication date:
    June 2016

    If conditionality is to be used within the benefit system, CAS believes it must be part of a holistic system that supports, rather than compels, jobseekers into sustainable employment. Sanctions should be always proportionate to the “offence” and should be operated as a last resort to ensure that claimants are seeking employment in exchange for their benefit. 

  18. A review of local bus provision by Scottish Citizens Advice Bureaux
    Fraser Sutherland
    Publication date:
    June 2016

    In 2015 Citizens Advice Scotland (CAS) published a report, Remotely Excluded, which used our advice statistics to identify the major issues facing consumers in rural Scotland. One of the most important themes identified by Citizens Advice Bureaux (CAB) and our clients was the difficulty people had accessing essential services, such as healthcare and work opportunities, using the bus network. To look more closely at what was happening with public transport across Scotland we carried out regional research lead by 16 of our local CAB members.

  19. Early Evidence of the Impact of Universal Credit in Scotland's CAB Network
    Rob Gowans
    Publication date:
    June 2016

    This report presents many of the Universal Credit cases that Scotland’s CAB network has advised on during the first year of the rollout. At this stage, it is a only a small fraction of the people who will eventually receive Universal Credit – single jobseekers with ‘simple’ claims. However, the evidence allows us to start to identify some of the challenges that may stand in the way of the success of Universal Credit and to make recommendations for how these obstacles can be overcome. These challenges fall into three groups – design challenges, transitional and administrative challenges and future challenges.

  20. Briefing for Scottish Parliament debate - 9 June 2016
    Rob Gowans
    Publication date:
    June 2016

    This briefing focuses on the opportunities that the devolution of social security powers to Scotland with a particular focus on disability benefits – it is the chance to design a system that has the principles of dignity and respect at its heart. The following pages outline the challenges and issues that the Parliament needs to address to make this system a reality.
