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Pension Wise FAQs

Q. What is Pension Wise?

A. Pension Wise was set up by the UK Government as a free and impartial service to help you understand what your choices are, how they work and help you to make an informed decision. You will be able to get guidance on what you can do with your pension pot; different pension types and how they work; what’s tax-free and what’s not; how to shop around and avoid scams; where to find out more and what to do next.

You can access guidance:

  • Face to face through a national network of CAB service points
  • By phone  
  • Online 

Go to the Pension Wise website or call 0800 011 3797 to find out more and book a free appointment.

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Q. What sort of information will this service provide?

A. Pension Wise is an impartial guidance service  The guidance provided will enable people to better understand their options and ensure they know what questions to ask before they commit to decisions about their pension. It can signpost them other sources of trust information and help; show them how to shop around for products & services and how to avoid scams; show them the next steps they might want to take before making any choices.

It is a free and impartial service - as opposed to regulated financial advice - so you won’t get a recommendations for specific products or providers nor how to invest your money.

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Q. Who can access the service?

A. Anyone aged 50 or over with a Defined Contribution pension can access the service.
There are some exceptions for people who have entitlement to access their pensions earlier (serious illness for example, or those who have inherited a pension pot). 

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Q. Where can I access the service?

A. The Pension Wise service is being delivered across Scotland by our network of CAB members both via telephone and face-to-face. Local arrangements will also be made for those people with accessibility needs including home visits where appropriate.

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Q. How do I book and appointment?

A. To make an appointment go online at  Pension Wise website or call 0800 011 3797.

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Q. Does it matter if I access the guidance online, on the phone, or face to face?

A. No. The guidance offered will be the same.

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