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24 Sep 2021

Specialist Debt Helpline Service Agreement

So that the Specialist Debt Helpline can best help you, we have set out what you can expect from our services and what you need to do to get the best out of the service.

Specialist Debt Helpline Privacy Policy

The Specialist Debt Helpline need to collect information from you in order to be able to help. Our Privacy Policy is in place to ensure we do so legally and proportionately.

Postal Services in Scotland

This briefing sets out the results of research conducted on CAS’s behalf by YouGov, in April 2021, using a representative sample of the Scottish population aged 18 or over. The sample size of respondents was 1,029.  This research focused on understanding consumer usage of postal services in Scotland, and it included questions regarding affordability, usage, surcharge and other issues covered by the Universal Post Service.


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