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CAS submission to Social Security Support for Housing inquiry

Advice provided by Scotland’s CAB network in relation to rent arrears has grown by over 40% since 2012, whilst debt-related issues experienced by CAB clients in Scotland have steadily declined over the same period. Given this long-term change, investigating the cause and consequences of rent arrears for CAB clients has been a policy priority for CAS.

CAS response to FCA consultation on Buy Now Pay Later offers

CAS has responded to the FCA's consultation on Buy Now Pay Later offers.

CAS response to the FCA High-Cost Credit Review: Overdrafts consultation

Citizens Advice Scotland has responded to Citizens Advice Scotland has responded to the FCA's CP18/42: High-Cost Credit Review: Overdrafts consultation.

CAS response to Work & Pensions Committee Inquiry into Natural Migration to Universal Credit

CAS has responded to the Work and Pensions Committee's inquiry into natural migration from legacy benefits to Universal Credit.

CAS response to building a better Debt Arrangement Scheme consultation

CAS has responded to the Accountant in Bankruptcy's building a better debt arrangement scheme consultation

Advice in Scotland 2017-18

A summary of evidence gathered by the Citizens Advice network in Scotland about their work.

CAS response to SEPA water and wastewater sector plan

Citizens Advice Scotland has responded to SEPA’s draft water supply and wastewater sector plan.

Help to Claim Universal Credit

If you are thinking about claiming Universal Credit for the first time, we can help. Our trained advisers can guide you through the process, whether you're looking for answers to quick questions or step-by-step support to make your claim.

Citizens Advice Scotland Annual Report 2017-18

This is the Annual Report for Citizens Advice Scotland for the 2017-18 financial year.

CAS Response to Ofgem's Targeted Charging Review: Minded to position

Citizens Advice Scotland (CAS) uses research and evidence to put consumers at the heart of policy and regulation in the energy, post and water sectors in Scotland. We work with government, regulators and business to put consumers first, designing policy and practice around their needs and aspirations.

CAS is the Scottish consumer advocate on energy network issues. Although separate organisations, we work closely with Citizens Advice England and Wales in this area. Our response below focuses on Scottish specific points which we believe are important considerations for the TCR.


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