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  1. CAS briefing for policy makers
    Publication date:
    December 2013

    This briefing was provided for a Scottish Parliament members debate on the Financial Conduct Authority’s Plans to Regulate the Payday Loan Industry. Citizens Advice Bureaux across Scotland deal with 100 cases every week regarding problems with payday loan debt. CAS have made a number of recommendations that we believe will help alleviate the biggest issues clients are seeking advice on.

  2. CAS response
    Fraser Sutherland
    Publication date:
    December 2013

    CAS has responded to the Financial Services Authority consultation on consumer credit.

  3. Publication date:
    November 2013

    Citizens Advice Scotland carried out a year-long survey of members of the public who had used payday loans (November 2012 to 2013). This followed the introduction of a payday lenders ‘Good Practice Customer Charter’ which 90% of payday lenders signed up to and committed to stamping out bad practice. Our results, backed up by case studies seen at CAB, show that one year on, many of the problems still exist for borrowers, and the code of conduct is being ignored repeatedly.

  4. Keith Dryburgh
    Publication date:
    November 2013

    In April 2013, an estimated 82,000 households in Scotland were affected by the under occupancy penalty for social housing – often referred to as the ‘bedroom tax’. These households have experienced an average reduction in housing support of around £11 per week, a loss of £53 million annually across Scotland. In the six months after the change, over 1,600 affected people sought advice on the ‘bedroom tax’ at a CAB in Scotland, and we are starting to get a picture of the social impact of the policy.

  5. CAS response
    Rhiannon Sims
    Publication date:
    October 2013

    Citizens Advice Scotland has reponded to the Scottish Affairs Committte's request for written evidence on how zero hours contracts affect people in Scotland.

  6. CAS response
    Publication date:
    October 2013

    Citizens Advice Scotland has responded to the Business Innovation and Skills consultation on consumer protection from unfair trading regulations.

  7. CAS response
    Fraser Sutherland
    Publication date:
    October 2013

    CAS has responded to the Financial Conduct Authority's consultation on how they approach achieving their objectives in regulating financial products.

  8. CAS response
    Publication date:
    September 2013

    Citizens Advice Scotland has responded to a consultation on the proposed merging of the Scottish Tribunals Service and the Scottish Court Service.

  9. CAS response
    Publication date:
    September 2013

    CAS has issued a response to the Competition Comission's payday lending market investigation drawing on evidence from Citizens Advice Bureaux across Scotland and callers to the Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline.

  10. CAS response
    Publication date:
    September 2013

    CAS has responded to the Department of Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) consultation on its draft bill on consumer rights. In our submission we welcome the alignment of rights for goods and services while making some suggested amendments to further protect consumer in this field.

  11. CAS response to the 'Litchfield Review'
    Beth Reid
    Publication date:
    August 2013

    CAS responds to the Fourth Independent Review of the Work Capability Assessment, part of Employment Spport Allowance.  In our submission we focus on the need for effective gathering of medical evidence, on some of the adminsitrative problems seen in bureaux, and the increasing severity of the consequences of getting entitlement decisions wrong.  We make a number of recommendations to improve the system.

  12. Keith Dryburgh
    Publication date:
    July 2013

    This briefing was provided for a Westminster debate on the Effect Of Government Policy On Disabled People. CAB across Scotland have experienced an increase in need for advice and support due to the impact of welfare changes and benefit cuts. These have had a disproportionate impact on disabled people who are already or will be affected by a multitude of detrimental changes.


  13. Scottish Affairs Committee
    Keith Dryburgh
    Publication date:
    June 2013

    The UK Government’s changes to Housing Benefit have had a significant impact on claimants in Scotland. In this briefing, we have concentrated on the developing impact of the ‘bedroom tax’.

  14. Submission to the Work and Pensions Select Committee
    Beth Reid
    Publication date:
    May 2013

    The Work and Pensions Select Committee at the House of COmmons is holding an inquiry into the effectiveness of Jobcentre Plus, particularly in the context of current welfare reforms.

  15. Keith Dryburgh
    Publication date:
    May 2013

    Citizens advice bureaux, and a range of other community organisations, have reported a significant rise in the number of service users who are either struggling to afford adequate food or who are experiencing a crisis where they cannot afford food at all. A range of factors are causing this trend, including falling incomes, a rise in food prices, and benefit cuts. This represents a worsening of a situation where many families were already struggling to afford adequate food. The establishment of the new food body in Scotland represents a timely opportunity to address many of the wider food-related issues that particularly affect Scotland, including food poverty, poor diet, obesity and ill health.


  16. Lauren Wood
    Publication date:
    May 2013

    In early 2013, the Scottish Government put the Courts Reform (Scotland) Bill out for consultation.  The Bill embodies the changes envisiged in the Gill Review (2007) and includes proposals for the introduction of a new judicial tier as well as a specalist personal injury court.  This is the Citizens Advice Scotland response.

  17. Beth Reid
    Publication date:
    May 2013

    CAS responds to the HMRC's consultation on supporting customers who need additional help.  We focus on our experience of supporting clients with tax credits issues.

  18. Submission to the Public Administration Select Committee inquiry
    Beth Reid
    Publication date:
    May 2013

    Citizens Advice Bureaux experience very significant difficulties resolving problems with benefits and tax credits on behalf of clients.  A complaints mechanism is only as good as the system it supports.  Where there is a lack of faith in the system itself, it is likely there will also be a lack of faith in the complaints procedure.

  19. Digital exclusion amongst Scotland's CAB clients
    Sarah Beattie-Smith
    Publication date:
    May 2013

    In November 2012, the UK Government launched its Government Digital Strategy .  This paper sets out how the Government will transform the way it delivers services to citizens, including moving services online – a change in ethos to “digital by default”. The strategy includes an expectation that 80% of benefits applications will be completed online by 2017 .  This new strategy comes at the same time as the Government’s changes to the welfare system which, coupled with at least £18 billion of cuts to the UK welfare budget, will cause significant upheaval for citizens currently in receipt of benefits.

  20. Lauren Wood
    Publication date:
    April 2013

    The Scottish Government consulted in early 2013 on the possibility of achieving better dispute resolution in housing through introducing a Housing Tribunal.  The consultation sought views on the creation of such a forum and the extent to which a tribunal should have powers.  This is the CAS response.

