Publication date:April 2010
Scottish Campaign on Welfare Reform: Manifesto for Change.
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Publication date:October 2009
Briefing which provides a summary of issues encounterd by clients applying for and/or claiming ESA.
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BenefitsPublication date:December 2008
A briefing highlighting the social policy successes achieved by the CAB Service in Scotland between July and December 2008.
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Publication date:October 2008
Briefing sheet which outlines the key findings of the Continental Drift report on A8 migrant workers and their advice needs.
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Publication date:October 2008
Response to the DWP's Green Paper on welfare reform.
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Publication date:September 2008
Consultation response which outlines some of the key tax credit issues that CAB clients and advisers have reported over the last year.
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Publication date:April 2008
A briefing for the westminster debate on child poverty in Scotland, written in response to the inquiry by the Scottish Affairs Committee
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Publication date:March 2008
Consultation response on benefit backdating submitted for DWP impact assessment.
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Publication date:January 2008
SCoWR briefing on the Welfare Reform Bill 2nd Reading Debate.
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Publication date:November 2007Spotlight:
Publication date:October 2007
CAS's response to the 2007 Green Paper on welfare reform.
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Publication date:April 2007
Consultation response providing evidence on Scottish CAB clients' experiences accessing the social fund.
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Publication date:February 2007
Letter in response to green paper on Welfare Reform
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Publication date:July 2006
Briefing sheet summarising the key findings of CAS's disability and sickness research.
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Publication date:June 2006
A report looking at the experiences of CAB clients who are claiming disability living allowance or incapacity benefit.
Stressed About Debt? High costs of energy, food and fuel mean that many people are finding it impossible to keep up, worrying about debt or falling behind on bills. The Citizens Advice network in Scotland is here for you, with free, confidential and impartial advice in a variety of ways.