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  1. Fraser Sutherland
    Publication date:
    May 2014

    The number of Scots falling victim to financial rip-offs is increasing dramatically. A special helpline set up by CAS to deal solely with consumer issues saw a 14% increase last year in calls about scams.

  2. Scottish Water regulatory period 2015-21
    Gail Walker
    Publication date:
    May 2014

    Citizens Advice Scotland welcomes the opportunity to submit evidence to the Infrastructure and Investment Committee on the Strategic Review of Charges 2015-21. 

  3. Case evidence and statistics from the Scottish CAB service
    Fraser Sutherland
    Publication date:
    April 2014

    The Scottish CAB service have seen payday loans as one of the fastest growing areas of work in the last year. This evidence report reveals case evidence and statistics from our 2013 payday loan survey.

  4. The Postcode Penalty: The Business Burden
    Rob Gowans
    Publication date:
    April 2014

    The Scottish CAB service has been campaigning on the issue of unfair delivery charges for the past four years.

  5. Sarah Beattie-Smith
    Publication date:
    February 2014

    Citizens Advice Scotland responds to The Royal Society of Edinburgh’s interim report of their inquiry into spreading the benefits of digital participation.

  6. CAS response
    Publication date:
    October 2013

    Citizens Advice Scotland has responded to the Business Innovation and Skills consultation on consumer protection from unfair trading regulations.

  7. CAS response
    Fraser Sutherland
    Publication date:
    October 2013

    CAS has responded to the Financial Conduct Authority's consultation on how they approach achieving their objectives in regulating financial products.

  8. Advice trends in Scotland
    Sarah Beattie-Smith
    Publication date:
    September 2013

    This report examines trends in the kinds of issues on which consumers in Scotland sought advice from the Citizens Advice Service in the first quarter of 2013/14.

  9. CAS response
    Publication date:
    September 2013

    CAS has issued a response to the Competition Comission's payday lending market investigation drawing on evidence from Citizens Advice Bureaux across Scotland and callers to the Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline.

  10. CAS response
    Publication date:
    September 2013

    CAS has responded to the Department of Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) consultation on its draft bill on consumer rights. In our submission we welcome the alignment of rights for goods and services while making some suggested amendments to further protect consumer in this field.

  11. Keith Dryburgh
    Publication date:
    May 2013

    Citizens advice bureaux, and a range of other community organisations, have reported a significant rise in the number of service users who are either struggling to afford adequate food or who are experiencing a crisis where they cannot afford food at all. A range of factors are causing this trend, including falling incomes, a rise in food prices, and benefit cuts. This represents a worsening of a situation where many families were already struggling to afford adequate food. The establishment of the new food body in Scotland represents a timely opportunity to address many of the wider food-related issues that particularly affect Scotland, including food poverty, poor diet, obesity and ill health.


  12. Digital exclusion amongst Scotland's CAB clients
    Sarah Beattie-Smith
    Publication date:
    May 2013

    In November 2012, the UK Government launched its Government Digital Strategy .  This paper sets out how the Government will transform the way it delivers services to citizens, including moving services online – a change in ethos to “digital by default”. The strategy includes an expectation that 80% of benefits applications will be completed online by 2017 .  This new strategy comes at the same time as the Government’s changes to the welfare system which, coupled with at least £18 billion of cuts to the UK welfare budget, will cause significant upheaval for citizens currently in receipt of benefits.

  13. January cases
    Publication date:
    February 2013

    Citizens Advice Bureaux in Scotland help hundreds of thousands of people with over half a million new issues each year. Snapshot uses evidence on these issues to act as an early warning system for government, service providers, and private sector companies, of where policies and practices are failing or inefficient. These monthly briefings use very recent evidence and are an excellent way of spotting trends to social policy and tracing the impact of recent policy changes.

    This edition is based on the advice needs of clients who approached bureaux during January 2013.

    Thank you to all bureaux for their feedback, without which this type of publication would not be possible.

  14. Sarah Beattie-Smith
    Publication date:
    February 2013

    In November 2012, the UK Government launched its Government Digital Strategy . This paper sets out how the Government will transform the way it delivers services to citizens, including moving services online – a change in ethos to “digital by default”. Citizens Advice Scotland is concerned that a digital by default approach to welfare benefits could exclude some of the most vulnerable and marginalised members of society from accessing the very services they rely upon.

  15. Publication date:
    February 2013

    In April 2013, the general consumer advocacy functions of Consumer Focus and the Office of Fair Trading’s responsibility for consumer-facing education will both transfer to the Citizens Advice service. This is part of an on-going series of reforms to the consumer landscape in which the Government intends for the Citizens Advice service to become the publicly-funded voice for consumers.

  16. Publication date:
    February 2013

    Based on the responses from bureau advisers to the recent Social Policy questionnaire, the Policy and Communications team have put together a forward work plan for 2013/14. This covers the issues that we plan to address over the coming year and the ways in which we plan to undertake this work.

  17. Sarah Beattie-Smith
    Publication date:
    February 2013

    Citizens Advice Scotland welcomes the initiative from the Scottish branch of the Trading Standards Institute to address the problem of cold calling for the purposes of property maintenance and repairs.  This briefing uses the evidence from the Citizens Advice Consumer Service helpline to demonstrate the consumer detriment caused by such practices.

  18. Energy issues brought to citizens advice bureaux in 2011/12
    Sarah Beattie-Smith
    Publication date:
    January 2013

    This report examines the types of issues on which clients sought advice with regards to their household energy in 2011/12. It also examines the client profile of people seeking help on such issues, thus allowing support to be targeted at the groups where it is most needed.

  19. How some online retailers are disadvantaging Scottish consumers
    Sarah Beattie-Smith
    Publication date:
    December 2012

    Over 1 million Scots are being ‘routinely ripped off’ by unfair delivery charges because of where they live, according to new evidence published by Citizens Advice Scotland.

    By analysing over 3,000 customer complaints and over 500 online companies, we have uncovered a ‘postcode penalty’ that sees some Scots having to pay an average of nearly £19 extra when buying goods online. The problem does not just affect remote rural and island areas, but postcodes right across Scotland. It hits businesses as well as families.

  20. Lyndsay Russell
    Publication date:
    December 2012

    This report presents the evaluation findings from the Energy Best Deal+ pilot project. The project was a result of the Fuel Poverty Summit in Scotland in October 2011 and coordinated by Citizens Advice Scotland and funded by Eon, EDF Energy, Npower Scottish Gas, Scottish Power and Scottish and Southern Energy. The pilot ran for eight weeks from July to September 2012 from nine Scottish citizens advice bureaux.

