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Sanctioned: what benefit?

This report is one of the most detailed examinations of the impact of sanctions in Scotland so far. It provides an analysis of the current system, its impact on clients , real case evidence and the findings of a survey of Scottish CAB advisers. We also provide 16 recommendations that are needed to the current  system and why they are needed.

During 2013, nearly 900,000 sanctions were applied to Jobseekers Allowance (JSA) and Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) claimants; JSA sanctions have more than doubled since 2010. 

This has resulted in a significant rise in the number of sanctions cases coming in to bureaux in Scotland.  Client cases and adviser experiences suggest that there are many problems in the sanctions regime.

This comprehensive report based on the evidence of CAB across Scotland shows that many people are forced into poverty and ill health, often having to rely on foodbanks as their benefit payments are stopped. The report also reveals that many people who are hit by a sanction are not told the reason for it, or how to appeal against it. 

You can also hear author of the report Beth Reid, CAS Policy Officer speaking about the findings here: 

Beth Reid
Publication date
July 2014
Publication type