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CAS response to consultation on changes to Housing Benefit and Pension Credit temporary absence regulations

Social Security Advisory Committee consultation

Citizens Advice Scotland responded to a consultation on the UK Government's proposed changes to the length of time a person can be absent from Great Britain without losing entitlement to Housing Benefit and Pension Credit.

Based on CAB evidence, Citizens Advice Scotland recommends that the period of allowable absence: 

  • To Northern Ireland, the Republic of Ireland, the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands remain at 13 weeks.

  • Where a person has left their dwelling through fear of violence in that dwelling should remain up to 52 weeks.

  • For people detained in custody on remand or prevented from returning home due to bail requirements outside Great Britain remain up to 52 weeks.

  • For people who are outside Great Britain in connection with the death of a relative, or to be with a relative who is terminally ill, should remain up to 13 weeks for both Housing Benefit and Pension Credit.
Rob Gowans
Publication date
February 2016
Publication type
Number of pages