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Reality bites

Client story: Jane was homeless, now she has been hit by the bedroom tax

Jane needed a  flat when she was homeless. When she got one, she was hit by the bedroom tax and built up arrears until her local CAB helped out.


Client story: No benefits for eight weeks after missing an appointment

Sara was left without benefits for eight weeks after missing an appointment because she was caring for her disabled husband. When she approached her CAB for advice she had no money for food for her or her husband. Her local bureaux helped her access the services she needed in the short term as well as sorting out her claim.

Client Story: CAB experience with benefit process helped Andy get support he needed

When Andy was left with health problems after being the victim of crime, he ended up in rent arrears and with an eviction notice. But CAB experience with navigating the benefit administrations process  helped Andy get the support he needed.

Local work: Bringing HOPE to older people

With many changes to the welfare system  in the pipeline, Orkney CAB wanted to help local pensioners get the help they were entitled to.

Client story: No Christmas cheer for Lisa without the help of her CAB

Lisa was helped by her CAB to recover money that a broker had taken for setting up a loan.
