Job Details
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The Forth Valley CAB Sensory Loss Advice Service (SLAS) is a new and innovative approach that extends and increases our ability to inclusively help people with sensory loss across Forth Valley access advice, information, support and representation in relation to Money, Debt and Benefits, kindly supported by National Lottery.
It is unique, in that Stirling District Citizens Advice Bureau Ltd (SDCAB) is introducing a specialist advice service for households experiencing sensory loss ie individuals and their families and carers across the Forth Valley region, named the Forth Valley CAB Sensory Loss Advice Service (SLAS). SDCAB will lead the service in collaboration with the other Forth Valley CABs (Denny & Dunipace, Clackmannanshire, Falkirk, and Grangemouth) and the Forth Valley Sensory Centre (FVSC).
SDCAB will employ two Sensory Specialist advice workers, one being a BSL competent worker, to support people with hearing and sight loss with information, advice, casework support, technical advocacy and representation as proposed above. They will work proactively with the FVSC, its satellites and Centre Service Users, and via a wide range of referral partners.
The Sensory Specialist advice workers will support people who are deaf or have hearing loss and/or people who are blind or have sight loss, with information, advice, casework support, technical Advocacy and representation on Money, Debt and Benefit and related issues (eg Housing, Employment rights) and facilitate clients to access the additional help and support they need. Advisers will work proactively with Forth Valley Sensory Centre (FVSC) and its satellites, Centre Users, and a wide range of referral partners to raise awareness of the service and to engage and support service users.
For further information and an application form please use the links at the bottom of this page or visit our website at
For an informal discussion or further queries, please contact Craig Anderson CEO, Stirling CAB – 01786 464773 or email