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  1. Aoife Deery
    Publication date:
    November 2024
  2. Publication date:
    May 2024
  3. Publication date:
    May 2024
  4. An analysis of housing repairs advice across the Citizens Advice network in Scotland
    Aoife Deery
    Publication date:
    December 2023
  5. Aoife Deery
    Publication date:
    December 2023
  6. Publication date:
    May 2023
  7. Aoife Deery
    Publication date:
    April 2023
  8. Lesley Sweetman
    Publication date:
    July 2022

    This research report looks at the private rented sector in Argyll and Bute and was made possible through the award of Small Impact Grant from Citizens Advice Scotland and delivered in-house by bureau staff. 

    Scoping this work, the bureau had two overarching objectives:

    -   to raise awareness of freely available advice and support to tenants, as all too often tenants are unaware of their rights or approach the bureau only at the stage when they are potentially facing eviction;


    -   to gain a better understanding of the challenges facing private rental tenants in the area which also has a thriving and important tourism sector.

    Through a mix of print, radio and digital promotion, an estimated 20,000 people were reached, helping to raise awareness of the bureau and the advice and support available on a wide range of everyday issues facing local people including advice on housing, debt, employment and welfare.

    Central to this research was a private sector rental survey which was designed to capture the views of those currently renting in that sector, as well as those looking for a private rental in the area.  Completing the survey in full, 155 people shared their views and experiences.  Focus groups followed and provided further opportunity to gain deeper insight into private rental experience. 

    Delivering this report comes at a time of significant and potential change in the private and short term rentals sectors in Scotland.  The report seeks to provide useful insight into the private rental sector in Argyll and Bute, the challenges private sector renters face, and how closely aligned economic prosperity and the availability of safe, secure, warm and affordable homes are to the area.  

  9. Aoife Deery
    Publication date:
    April 2022
  10. Aoife Deery
    Publication date:
    April 2022
  11. An analysis of homelessness advice cases provided by Scotland’s CAB network
    Rhiannon Sims (Crisis) and Stephanie Millar (CAS)
    Publication date:
    March 2022

    This report is published jointly by CAS and the homelessness charity Crisis. 

  12. Andrew Fraser
    Publication date:
    February 2022

    Citizens Advice Scotland has responded to the consultation run by the Scottish Parliament's COVID-19 Recovery Committee

  13. Publication date:
    November 2021

    Citizens Advice Scotland response to the Scottish Government consultation on COVID recovery 

  14. Andrew Fraser
    Publication date:
    November 2021

    Citizens Advice Scotland has responded to the Scottish Civil Justice Council consultation on Rules Covering the Mode of Attendance at Court Hearings

  15. Aoife Deery
    Publication date:
    October 2021
  16. Aoife Deery
    Publication date:
    August 2021

    Over 50,000 pieces of housing advice were given out by the Citizens Advice network in Scotland between April 2020 and March 2021. In 2020-21, housing advice grew as a proportion of all advice, and the types of housing advice people were seeking also changed, compared to 2019-20.

    Our statistics suggest the COVID-19 pandemic, its associated restrictions and protective measures brought housing issues to the forefront, as people spent more time within the four walls of their home.

  17. Publication date:
    May 2021
  18. Quarterly statistics on a selection of housing advice codes
    Aoife Deery
    Publication date:
    May 2021
  19. Emily Rice and Alastair Wilcox
    Publication date:
    March 2021

    Citizens Advice Scotland welcomes this consultation, which reflects the pace and scope of Scotland’s climate ambitions. We are pleased that the Scottish Government has proposed a principle-based, people-centred approach. 

    It is essential that the outcomes of this standard reflect the complex heating, cooling, and ventilation needs of Scotland’s housing stock, and widens accessibility to truly affordable, highly efficient housing for low income and fuel poor households. Developers should be encouraged to follow the best practices of community engagement and ethical business practice so that the full potential of the buildings covered by this standard is realised. To aid developers in making future proof decisions, clear, thorough, and accessible guidance should be issued alongside this standard.

  20. Publication date:
    February 2021
