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  1. Consumer Futures Unit
    Publication date:
    February 2017

    The Consumer Futures Unit (CFU) has responded to the Scottish Parliament’s joint call for evidence as part of its scrutiny of the Scottish Government’s third draft Climate Change Plan.

    The CFU is pleased to have had the opportunity to comment on Scottish Ministers’ plans for meeting Scotland’s annual greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction targets. In responding to the Scottish Parliament’s joint call for evidence we have limited our comments to areas of the draft plan that are directly relevant to our remit.

    In this publication we present our written evidence to the Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform Committee. Our evidence to the Economy, Jobs and Fair Work Committee and the Rural Economy and Connectivity Committee is available separately and can be downloaded below. 

  2. Consumer Futures Unit
    Publication date:
    February 2017

    The Consumer Futures Unit (CFU) has responded to the Scottish Parliament’s joint call for evidence as part of its scrutiny of the Scottish Government’s third draft Climate Change Plan.

    The CFU is pleased to have had the opportunity to comment on Scottish Ministers’ plans for meeting Scotland’s annual greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction targets. In responding to the Scottish Parliament’s joint call for evidence we have limited our comments to areas of the draft plan that are directly relevant to our remit.

    In this publication we present our written evidence to the Economy, Jobs and Fair Work Committee. Our evidence to the Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform Committee and the Rural Economy and Connectivity Committee is available separately and can be downloaded below. 

  3. Scottish Affairs Committee
    Rob Gowans
    Publication date:
    February 2017

    Scotland’s CAB network provides a substantial amount of advice relating to problems at work. In 2015/16, citizens advice bureaux in Scotland advised clients on 48,530 new employment issues. 

    Examples of unfair employment practices that have affected CAB clients include unfair dismissal; not being paid for work carried out; being paid considerably below the National Minimum Wage; being denied sick pay or paid holiday; and instances of bullying and discrimination including racism, and women who were dismissed when they became pregnant.

  4. Scottish consumer advice about food and drink issues
    Fraser Sutherland
    Publication date:
    December 2016

    Scotland’s food and drink industry is one of the best in the world but some consumers in Scotland are getting a raw deal and facing poor quality produce and service by some leading food retailers and manufacturers.

  5. Summary of presentations and discussion
    Fraser Sutherland
    Publication date:
    December 2016

    Following our Round the Bend report we invited policy experts in public transport, consumer organisations, government officials and community representatives to discuss the issues facing rural communities and public transport.

  6. Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Committee
    Rob Gowans
    Publication date:
    December 2016

    The emergence of so-called new forms of employment relationships between
    workers and employers has put a strain on existing employment protections. In
    particular, the misuse of zero hours contracts has been a major concern for CAS over the past three years.

  7. New businesses and the non-domestic water market
    Publication date:
    December 2016

    The CFU's Water Team has worked in partnership with the Water Industry Commission for Scotland, Business Gateway, Scottish Water and the Federation of Small Businesses to develop an information leaflet for new businesses about the non-domestic water market in Scotland.

    The leaflet will help to improve outcomes for business consumers in non-domestic water market in Scotland. It is hoped that the leaflet, by targeting new businesses, will alert them to the wide range of options available, and to ensure customers get the best deals. the leaflet will be available from the Business Gateway advice network, as well as through other networks in the non-domestic water market.

  8. Consultation response from Citizens Advice Scotland
    Rob Gowans
    Publication date:
    November 2016

    CAS is generally concerned about the restriction on families to only
    being able to claim Child Tax Credits or Universal Credit for two children, and
    would recommend the Government reconsider the policy in its entirety rather
    than making exemptions to it.

  9. Citizens Advice Scotland briefing for MSPs
    Rob Gowans
    Publication date:
    November 2016

    Designing a new social security system for Scotland is a major opportunity and challenge. CAS has attempted to bring the best of our unique evidence base to inform the development of the new system based on the experiences of those who work with the current system on a daily basis. In developing a substantial response to the Scottish Government’s recent public consultation on the devolved social security system, CAS carried out specific engagement activity with 144 CAB clients and 102 CAB advisers with direct experience of the current system, in addition to CAB case information which provide real time insights into the daily operation of the system.

  10. National Assistance Funerals and the Consequences of Funeral Poverty
    David Robertson, Stirling CAB
    Publication date:
    November 2016

    This report follows on from a previous study by the Stirling and Perth & Kinross Citizens Advice
    Bureaux entitled Unearthing the ‘true cost’ of Funerals.

  11. CAS response
    Rob Gowans, Rhiannon Sims, Keith Dryburgh, Mark Patterson, Fraser Sutherland, Jamie Stewart and Craig Salter
    Publication date:
    October 2016

    Designing a new social security system for Scotland is a major opportunity and challenge. In this substantial consultation response, Citizens Advice Scotland has attempted to bring the best of our unique evidence base to inform the development of the new system based on the experiences of those who work with the current system on a daily basis.

  12. Scottish Government consultation
    Rob Gowans
    Publication date:
    September 2016

    Citizens Advice Scotland agrees that the Scottish Government should
    include in statute an ambition to eradicate child poverty. It is equally important
    however that this ambition is backed up by clear strategies with specific,
    measurable and deliverable actions that are directly linked to reducing the
    levels of child poverty in Scotland.

  13. Second Independent Review
    Rhiannon Sims
    Publication date:
    September 2016

    CAS has responded to the call for evidence to inform the second independent review of Personal Independence Payment.

    Despite improvements having been made to waiting times and other aspects of benefit delivery, fundamental problems remain with respect to the design of Personal Independence Payment (PIP), specifically around assessments, medical evidence, length of awards, accuracy of decision making and mandatory reconsideration.

    These are all issues that CAS raised in our response to the first independent review, and it is now crucial that solutions to these issues are found before more people experience similar problems as they undergo the transition from DLA to PIP.

  14. Burial and cremation charges in Scotland 2016
    Fraser Sutherland
    Publication date:
    September 2016

    The basic cost of burial fees in Scotland (i.e. not including undertakers fees) is on average £1,363 in 2016. That’s a 7% increase since 2015.

  15. Improving information and signposting for users and managers of private water supplies
    Gail Walker
    Publication date:
    September 2016

    The Consumer Futures Unit of Citizens Advice Scotland is very pleased to invite you to tender for research into  Improving information and signposting for users and managers of private water supplies. Our Specification of Requirement sets out the research scope and timescales for delivery. Please also download a Pricing Schedule.

    The closing date for clarification questions is Friday 16 September 2016 and we would ask that tenders are submitted by Friday 30 September 2016.

    Many thanks and we look forward to hearing from you.

  16. Issues affecting flooded consumers and ability to access affordable insurance
    Fraser Sutherland
    Publication date:
    September 2016

    CAS undertook a detailed survey research of 178 households in Scotland, over two thirds of which live in a flood risk area based on SEPA analysis.

  17. The poverty premium in energy, telecommunications and finance in Scotland
    Patrick Hogan
    Publication date:
    August 2016

    As Scotland’s consumer champion, Citizens Advice Scotland (CAS) is driven to identify and mitigate consumer vulnerability through evidence-based advocacy and education. While anyone can be a vulnerable consumer, those on a low income can find themselves particularly susceptible to financial detriment.

  18. CAB Clients in Crisis
    Rhiannon Sims
    Publication date:
    July 2016

    On-going analysis of CAB case evidence over the last four years has shown that more and more bureaux clients are experiencing periods of no income, and are unable to afford essentials including food, gas and electricity to heat their homes, as well as priority payments such as rent. More worryingly still are the number of clients who present at bureaux having not eaten in a number of days. 

  19. A consumers guide to avoiding the latest financial scams
    Fraser Sutherland
    Publication date:
    July 2016

    This consumer guide provides information on the latest financial scams the Citizens Advice service in Scotland has seen and how to spot the signs of a scam

  20. Delivering energy efficiency to rural, off-gas Scotland
    Publication date:
    June 2016

    Mains gas is the cheapest way to heat a home but 23% of Scottish households rely on more expensive fuel types, such as bottled gas or electricity, to heat their property. Many off-gas households are located in rural areas and are vulnerable to fuel poverty owing to a number of additional factors, such as a greater prevalence of colder properties which are harder to treat with energy efficiency measures. 
