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  1. Alizeh Hussain, Keith Dryburgh and Vida Gow
    Publication date:
    December 2010

    CAS has responded to the Department of Business, Innovation and Skill's call for evidence on the consumer credit and personal insolvency review. The review looks at issues, practices and policies around store cards, credit cards, high cost credit products, debt remedies and credit related debt issues.

  2. Alizeh Hussain and Keith Dryburgh
    Publication date:
    November 2010

    CAS’s briefing for Scottish Lords in relation to the Public Bodies Bill Stage 2 debate in the House of Lords.

  3. Alizeh Hussain
    Publication date:
    October 2010

    Briefing for MSPs on The Legal Services Bill which was passed at stage 3 on October 6th 2010.

  4. Publication date:
    September 2010

    Response from CAS on the Office of Fair Trading consultation on e-consumer protection.

  5. Publication date:
    June 2010

    Briefing sheet to accompany the Fully Charged report which focused on bank charges and their effect on CAB clients.

  6. Publication date:
    May 2010

    A consultation on the pilot operation of civil sanction powers for consumer law enforcement.

  7. Publication date:
    March 2010

    Joint response from CAS and Citizens Advice (England and Wales) to the BIS consultation on 'The Role and Powers of the Consumer Advocate'.

  8. Alizeh Hussain
    Publication date:
    January 2010

    A Better Deal for Consumers: Review of the Regulation of Credit and Store Cards.

  9. By Matthew Lancashire
    Publication date:
    June 2009

    Consultation response which outlines the problems faced by bureaux clients in the consumer credit sector.

  10. Publication date:
    January 2008

    Briefing which highlights problems CAB clients have with power companies.

  11. Publication date:
    April 2007

    Briefing examining Payment Protection Insurance (PPI). 

  12. Publication date:
    April 2007

    Briefing looking at the Post Office networks and the potential impact of branch closures on clients

  13. Lindsay Isaacs
    Publication date:
    February 2007

    Consultation response which examines client evidence in relation to payment protection insurance (PPI).

  14. Publication date:
    May 2006

    A briefing about bank charges which can exacerbate problems for CAB debt clients.

