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  1. Matt Lancashire
    Publication date:
    August 2011

    CAS’s response to the Government’s consultation on the introduction of Personal Independence Payments outlines potential impacts in Scotland of the proposed changes in Scotland.

  2. Matt Lancashire
    Publication date:
    July 2011

    The Scottish Campaign on Welfare Reform (SCoWR) response to the SSAC consultation on passported benefits.

  3. Publication date:
    June 2011

    CAS was involved in the shaping and writing of amendments proposed by action for children/SCoWR for the third reading of the welfare reform bill. The amendment relates to childcare and costs, and work focused interviews.

  4. Matt Lancashire
    Publication date:
    June 2011

    The CAS welfare reform briefing has been sent to all Scottish MPs before the 3rd reading of the Welfare Reform Bill in the House of Commons. The focus of the briefing looks at the major issues affecting our clients in the bill and impact on devolved legislation in Scotland.

  5. Keith Dryburgh
    Publication date:
    April 2011

    Response from Citizens Advice Scotland (CAS) to the Work and Pensions Committee.


  6. Publication date:
    March 2011

    This report is a detailed look at the benefits issues that clients bring to the Scottish CAB Service

  7. Alizeh Hussain
    Publication date:
    February 2011

    Citizens Advice Scotland’s briefing for the Westminster Hall debate taking place on Tuesday the 8th of February on the effects of housing benefit changes on Scotland.

  8. Publication date:
    February 2011

    Citizens Advice Scotland is a member of SCoWR, the Scottish Campaign on Welfare Reform. This is the SCoWR response to the Disabilty Living Allowance reform consultation.

  9. Matt Lancashire
    Publication date:
    February 2011

    Citizens Advice Scotland's response to the DWP consultation response on the reform of Disability Living Allowance (DLA).

  10. Matt Lancashire and Alizeh Hussain
    Publication date:
    November 2010

    CAS briefing on the impact of the Comprehensive Spending Review on the Department for Works and Pensions.

  11. Matt Lancashire and Alizeh Hussain
    Publication date:
    November 2010

    CAS briefing on the impact of the Comprehensive Spending Review on the Department for Works and Pensions.

  12. Publication date:
    October 2010

    Briefing sheet to accompany the Relative Value report on kinship carers in Scotland

  13. Matt Lancashire
    Publication date:
    October 2010

    CAS submitted a briefing for the Work & Pensions Committee for their evidence session taking place the 20th October, on the changes to Housing Benefit announced in the June 2010 budget. The evidence based briefing presents the Scottish perspective on the proposed changes.

  14. Publication date:
    September 2010

    CAS was a major contributor to the Scottish Campaign on Welfare Reform's joint member response to the 21st Century Welfare Consultation, which saw some of the groups key policy calls for a better welfare system included in the consultation paper.

  15. Keith Dryburgh and Matt Lancashire
    Publication date:
    September 2010

    Consultation response on the Work Capability Assessment for Employment and Support Allowance.

  16. Alizeh Hussain
    Publication date:
    May 2010

    Members business debate on CAS's evidence report on Employment and Support Allowance (ESA), Unfit for Purpose.

  17. Keith Dryburgh
    Publication date:
    May 2010

    A report on how problems with Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) are affecting CAB clients. Many people with serious health problems are being found fit for work.

  18. Collection Periods
    Keith Dryburgh
    Publication date:
    April 2010

    A briefing for politicians on the effects of community charge and council tax collection periods on CAB clients.

  19. Publication date:
    April 2010

    Scottish Campaign on Welfare Reform: Manifesto for Change.

  20. Publication date:
    October 2009

    Briefing which provides a summary of issues encounterd by clients applying for and/or claiming ESA.
