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  1. Scottish Parliament Social Security Committee inquiry
    Rob Gowans and Nina Ballantyne
    Publication date:
    October 2019

    Citizens Advice Scotland (CAS) welcomes the opportunity to provide evidence to the inquiry. In 2018-19, Scotland’s CAB network provided advice on 311,714 issues related to benefits, representing 44% of all advice given in that year. To further inform our submission, CAS surveyed 65 CAB advisers, representing a wide range of geographical areas, to gain their insight into issues surrounding benefit uptake.

  2. Scottish Affairs Committee inquiry
    Rob Gowans and Eilidh McIvor
    Publication date:
    August 2019

    CAS recognises that Universal Credit (UC) may be working well for some people. However, evidence from across the Scottish Citizens Advice network suggests that a significant number of people -who are often already vulnerable and/or marginalised- are experiencing hardship and detriment as a result of having to claim UC.
