Freedom of Information

The Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 and the Environmental Information (Scotland) Regulations 2004 give everyone the right to request information held by any Scottish public authority.

Citizens Advice Scotland, insofar as it undertakes duties and powers relating to the following services is subject to the requirements of the Act and the Regulations:

All information on our website is available to download for free.

Publication scheme

For an outline of information that we already publish or that you can request from us please see our:

Our guide to information:

  • allows you to see what information is available (and what is not available) in relation to each class
  • states what charges may be applied
  • explains how to find the information easily
  • provides contact details for enquiries and to get help with accessing the information
  • explains how to request information that has not been published.

Alternatively you can contact us on 0131 550 1000 or by email,, to ask for a hard copy to be posted to you.

Note: Citizens Advice Scotland has adopted the Single Model Publication Scheme 2014 developed by the Scottish Information Commissioner. The adoption period runs until 31 May 2018. Our guide to information has been produced as part of the process of adopting the Single Model Publication Scheme.

How to request information which is not in our publication scheme

If the information you want is not in our publication scheme, you have the right to request it from us.  The Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 gives you a right of access to the information we hold (whether we publish it or not), subject to certain exemptions.

The form below should only be used to submit a Freedom of Information or Environmental Information request.

For advice enquiries, find contact details of your local Citizens Advice Bureau here. Citizens Advice Scotland cannot provide advice directly. 

Charges for information

There is no charge for downloading information from our website. If we send published information to you, we may ask you to pay the costs of providing it to you e.g., photocopying and postage.

We may charge for unpublished information provided in response to a request for it.  Where it would cost us £100 or less to provide the information to you, we will not impose a charge. If it costs us between £100 and £600 to provide the information, we may ask you to pay 10% of that part of the cost.  So, for example, if it costs us £400, then we may charge up to £30 (i.e. first £100 is free, then we may charge 10% of the cost between £100 and £400). 

Where it would cost more than £600 to provide information to you, we may ask you to pay the costs as set out above up to £600 and the remaining costs over £600 in full. 

We are pleased to provide advice and assistance to help requesters frame their requests to reduce the possibility of charges for information.

For further details of CAS's charging policy for information see: