Job Details
More about the job
Patient Advisers will work with the citizens advice bureaux in their local health board area and will also contribute to services provided throughout Scotland via a national PASS telephone advice line and by e mail and webchat via the national PASS website. The Patient Adviser will provide direct advice and information to clients; support bureaux volunteers to deliver information and advice relevant to the service; produce performance and monitoring reports; assist with the marketing and promotion of the service; and liaise with external organisations in order to maximise the efficiency and effectiveness of PASS.
The Patient Rights (Scotland) Act was passed in February 2011. The Act created the Patient Advice and Support Service (PASS) to promote awareness of patient rights and responsibilities, and provide advice and support to those wishing to give feedback or comments, or raise concerns or complaints about NHS care received.
A Recruitment Pack can be downloaded using the link at the bottom of this page.
Please email completed application forms to
The CAB is committed to equal opportunities both in service provision and employment.
Western Isles Citizens Advice Service – Registered Scottish Charity – SC015018