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  1. Fraser Stewart
    Publication date:
    November 2015

    Citizens Advice Scotland (CAS) is seeking tenders from potential research suppliers to undertake a review of energy efficiency and fuel poverty programmes in Scotland.

  2. Second Reading
    Rob Gowans
    Publication date:
    November 2015

    Citizens Advice Scotland is extremely concerned that a number of the proposals contained in the Welfare Reform and Work Bill would have a detrimental impact on CAB clients in Scotland who have already been negatively affected by changes to the social security system in the last Parliament. These negative consequences include a rise in rent arrears; pressure on homeless services; and an increase in the number of people who are unable to make ends meet, who accrue priority debt or who require a referral to a food bank.

  3. Report Stage and Third Reading
    Rob Gowans
    Publication date:
    November 2015

    This briefing focusses on amendments tabled to the Scotland Bill addressing areas where the
    Bill does not appear to meet the intent of the Smith Agreement. Citizens Advice
    Scotland is concerned that, as currently drafted, there are risks of detriment
    to CAB clients, who sought advice on 220,000 new
    benefits issues in 2014/15 and who have been subject to recent changes to reserved tribunals which have
    had a marked and detrimental effect on consumers in Scotland.

  4. Claire Williams
    Publication date:
    November 2015

    This report highlights the positive impact that the advice service is making on members of the Armed Forces community in Scotland while also identifying areas of difficulty, including income, employment and housing.

  5. Report Stage and Third Reading
    Rob Gowans
    Publication date:
    October 2015

    CAS is extremely concerned that the proposals in the Bill would have a detrimental impact on CAB clients who have already been negatively affected by changes to the social security system in the last Parliament. These negative consequences include a rise in rent arrears; pressure on homeless services; and an increase in the number of people who are unable to make ends meet, who accrue priority debt or who require a referral to a food bank.

  6. Issues brought to the service in 2013/14
    Kate Morrison
    Publication date:
    October 2015

    The Energy Advice in Detail publication provides an annual analysis of the energy issues on which consumers in Scotland seek advice. The Citizens Advice Service in Scotland advised on a total of 21,101 energy issues in 2013/14, an increase of almost 50 per cent from the previous year. Of this figure, clients took 18,330 energy issues to their local CAB and contacted the Citizens Advice Consumer Service (CACS or “the helpline”) with a total of 2,771 energy issues. 


  7. Issues brought to the service in 2014/15
    Kate Morrison
    Publication date:
    October 2015

    The Energy Advice in Detail publication provides an annual analysis of the energy issues on which consumers in Scotland seek advice. The Citizens Advice Service in Scotland advised on a total of 28,000 energy issues in 2014/15, an increase of a third from the previous year. Of this figure, clients took 22,051 energy issues to their local CAB, contacted the Citizens Advice Consumer Service (CACS or “the helpline”) with a total of 4,799 energy issues and the Extra Help Unit provided specialist help and advice to 1,150 vulnerable consumers. 


  8. Overview of the issues raised in the Advice in Detail: Energy publications from 2013/14 and 2014/15
    Kate Morrison
    Publication date:
    October 2015

    The Citizens Advice Service in Scotland has grown to meet a rising consumer demand for energy advice. Since 2011, our energy advice provision has increased by 130%. In 2014/15 alone we provided advice and support on 28,000 energy issues experienced by consumers throughout Scotland.

  9. Energy advice statistics and key policy issues brought to the Citizens Advice Service in Scotland
    Kate Morrison
    Publication date:
    October 2015

    A look at the growing number of energy issues brought to the service and some of the key energy policy issues reported by consumers.

  10. Response to Ofgem proposals - October 2015
    Citizens Advice & Citizens Advice Scotland
    Publication date:
    October 2015

    The Citizens Advice Service (Citizens Advice & Citizens Advice Scotland) joint response to Ofgem's consultation on smart prepayment for a smarter market. 

  11. House of Commons Public Bill Committee
    Rob Gowans
    Publication date:
    October 2015

    Citizens Advice Scotland recommends that the Bill is amended to remove Sections 7 to 15 (Welfare benefits) and Sections 16 to 18 (Loans for mortgage interest). We are extremely concerned that the proposals would have a detrimental impact on CAB clients who have already been negatively affected by changes to the social security system in the last Parliament. These negative consequences include a rise in rent arrears; pressure on homeless services; and an increase in the number of people who are unable to make ends meet, who accrue priority debt or who require a referral to a food bank.

  12. Gail Walker
    Publication date:
    October 2015

    Citizens Advice Scotland has published a report providing insights into the impact that water and sewerage debt has on the lives of vulnerable consumers.

  13. CAB Clients Profile Report: Issue 1
    Linda Hutton
    Publication date:
    October 2015

    In November 2014 the first, annual drive to collect profile information on all clients approaching bureaux for advice was undertaken. This first publication in our ‘Who Are You?’ series provides a snapshot of individuals in Scotland supported by CAB during that period.

  14. Barriers Facing Scotland's Rural Consumers
    Fraser Sutherland
    Publication date:
    September 2015

    This report looks at the advice given by the Citizens Advice Service in Scotland by geography and looks to highlight particular consumer markets where people in rural areas are more likely to face issues than those in urban Scotland.

  15. Progress on parcel deliveries in Scotland 2012-2015
    David Moyes & Kate Morrison
    Publication date:
    September 2015

    The latest in a series of reports into problems faced by consumers in Scotland when shopping online, this reports charts the progress of delivery charges from 2012-2015.

  16. CAS response
    Robert McGeachy
    Publication date:
    September 2015

    Citizen Advice Scotland's response to the Scottish Government’s consultation on the Private and Public Water Supplies (Miscellaneous Amendments)(Scotland) Regulations 2015.

  17. CAS Response
    Rhiannon Sims
    Publication date:
    September 2015

    Poor administration of benefits can leave some of the most vulnerable people in society without any money to live on for weeks at a time. CAS has extensive case evidence which suggests that a gap in benefits has a detrimental effect on both physical and mental health, and can lead to crisis situations such as homelessness and unmanageable debt. The Scottish CAB Service has seen a dramatic rise in the number of clients in crisis having to access charitable support such as food banks. 

  18. CAS consultation response
    Fraser Sutherland, Keith Dryburgh and Rob Gowans
    Publication date:
    September 2015

    CAS has responded to the Scottish Parliament Welfare Reform Committee consultation on the future delivery of social security in Scotland.

  19. CAS consultation response
    Keith Dryburgh and Sarah Beattie-Smith
    Publication date:
    September 2015

    CAS have responded to a Scottish Affairs Committee consultation on what their work should be during this parliament.

  20. Gael Scott
    Publication date:
    August 2015

    CAS has recently submitted a response to the Scottish Government's latest consultation on arrangements for the permanent Scottish Welfare Fund (SWF). This response is based on evidence from bureaux on how the interim SWF has been working for clients so far.
