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CAS response to Ofcom's call for inputs: Review of postal regulation

The Stronger Communities team has responded to Ofcom's call for inputs on it's review of postal regulation from 2022 onwards. 

As the statutory advocate for postal consumers in Scotland, CAS believes that there are particular issues that need to be addressed during the review period that are affecting consumers and SMEs. This includes the affordability of services, the quality of service and the impact of location-based surcharging and refusal to deliver in the parcel market. 

Delivering for all: How vulnerable groups access post in Scotland

This report, based on qualitative research carried out by Progressive Partnership Ltd during Autumn 2020, explores the issues experienced by vulnerable groups accessing postal services in Scotland. The report also examines the impact of COVID on postal services and makes recommendations based on the research findings.

An executive summary of our findings is available below, along with the full report. 



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