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  1. A Guide to Deemed Contracts
    CAS / WICS
    Publication date:
    April 2016

    The Consumer Futures Unit and the Water Industry Commission for Scotland have developed and published a leaflet aimed at small businesses who may be unaware they need to pay for water and sewerage services, and are allocated a supplier. The leaflet explains what a Deemed Contract is and what they need to do next.

  2. The Citizens Advice and Citizens Advice Scotland work plan for 2016/17
    Publication date:
    March 2016

    Following our earlier consultation, we are pleased to launch our Citizens Advice and Citizens Advice Scotland work plan for 2016/17, covering our work in energy, post and water.

  3. Gail Walker
    Publication date:
    October 2015

    Citizens Advice Scotland has published a report providing insights into the impact that water and sewerage debt has on the lives of vulnerable consumers.

  4. Progress on parcel deliveries in Scotland 2012-2015
    David Moyes & Kate Morrison
    Publication date:
    September 2015

    The latest in a series of reports into problems faced by consumers in Scotland when shopping online, this reports charts the progress of delivery charges from 2012-2015.

  5. The Citizens Advice Service responds to the European Commission consultation on cross-border parcel delivery
    Xanthe Couture and David Moyes
    Publication date:
    July 2015

    The Citizens Advice Service welcomes the opportunity to respond to the European Commission consultation on cross-border parcel delivery. A competitive cross-border delivery market has the potential to benefit consumers through greater choice. In our response we highlight that this market is still young, and as such any regulatory intervention runs the risk of disrupting the natural development of the market, which may develop the solutions to issues faced by consumers. We contend that introducing price caps at this stage would be premature and difficult to implement.

  6. Kate Morrison
    Publication date:
    July 2015

    This Consumer Futures Unit guide aims to help you save money on your heating and electricity bills and keep your home warm. It is aimed at people who live in or own traditional stone tenement flats in Scotland.

  7. Minimum Standards of Energy Efficiency in Private Sector Housing: The View from Consumers and Bureaux
    Fraser Stewart
    Publication date:
    June 2015

    Citizens Advice Scotland (CAS) is a member of the Scottish Government's Regulation of Energy Efficiency in the Private Sector (REEPS) working group. This is a stakeholder advisory group drafting regulations for consultation that will help the Scottish Government improve the energy efficiency of Scotland’s existing private sector housing stock. To support this work CAS commissioned independent research that could help the working group better understand homeowners’ and private rented tenants’ attitudes and awareness of energy efficiency measures, including the potential barriers to taking action and consumers’ likely response to any future regulation. The full research report is available separately. 

    This accompanying evidence review complements the commissioned research by summarising the key findings from four focus groups, and brings these findings together with additional evidence collected by the Scottish Citizens Advice service. These further insights have helped identify the everyday realities for many Scottish households unable to adequately heat their homes or who live in poor quality housing, which can often lead to preventable health problems.
